About HKGBC,
PGBC & GBA 2012
Founded in 2009, the Hong Kong Green Building Council
(HKGBC) is the leading body driving the promotion and creation
of green, sustainable buildings and standards throughout the
Hong Kong SAR, engaging community, industry and government
to create a greener, more sustainable environment.
Our vision:
To aspire for quality and sustainability at every stage of the building
life cycle and embrace these principles as a mark of excellence.
Our mission:
To lead the market transformation to a sustainable built
environment in Hong Kong by guiding the development of
industry standards, best practices, education, and research in
green buildings.
HKGBC was founded by four major construction industry
and environmental organisations:
Construction Industry Council
Business Environment Council
BEAM Society Ltd.
Professional Green Building Council
About PGBC
Founded in 2002, the Professional Green Building Council
(PGBC) is a non-profit making research and education institute
to promote a better sustainable built environment through
professional involvement. PGBC launched the 1st GBA 2006 to
encourage the promotion of green building design in Hong Kong.
Our objectives:
• to conduct collaborative research and publish research results
on local and global developments of green buildings;
• to organize researches seminars and training courses in green
building design and technology; and
• to advise the government on the formulation, setting up and
monitoring of a local green building labeling scheme.
PGBC was co-founded by five building related professional
The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
The Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects HKILA
The Hong Kong Institute of Planners
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
Green Building Award 2012
Towards Zero Carbon
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