Prof. David LUNG, SBS, JP
Faculty of Architecture
The University of Hong Kong
Dr. Peter Cookson SMITH
The Hong Kong Institute of Planners
Ms. Celine TAM Pui Ching
The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management
Prof.WANG Sheng Wei
Chair Professor
Department of Building Services Engineering
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Mr. Benny WONG, JP
Deputy Director of Environmental Protection
Environmental Protection Department
HKSAR Government
Prof. Anthony G.O.YEH
Head and Chair Professor
Department of Urban Planning and Design
The University of Hong Kong
Head of Climate Programme
World Wide Fund Hong Kong
GBA 2012 Overseas Jury Panel
Prof. George BAIRD
Professor of Building Sciences
School of Architecture
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Prof. Kazuo IWAMURA
The International Union of Architects Work Programme
Mr. Robin MELLON
Executive Director
Green Building Council of Australia
Mr. Emilio Miguel MITRE
Director of International Affairs
GBCe (Green Building Council España)
Prof. SHIN Sung Woo
College of Engineering Sciences
Hanyang University, Korea