Message from President of The Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects (HKILA) – Mr. Evans IU Po Lung
香港園境師學會會長賀辭 – 姚寶隆先生
Congratulations to successfully holding the Green Building
Award 2012 and thanks to the jurors for their hard works as
the adjudication on many high quality entries was not an easy
task! The Green Building Award would not only encourage more
environmentally friendly and sustainable building projects, but
also arouse the public’s awareness of the importance of energy
saving and environment preservation. Thus, continuation of the
Green Building Award is valuable to the improvement of our
living environment and would educate our future generations the
sense of sustainable developments. Looking forward to continual
success of this Award in coming years.
Message from President of The Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP) – Dr. Peter Cookson SMITH
香港規劃師學會會長賀辭 – 施倍德博士
The Hong Kong Institute of Planners is pleased to contribute to
the pioneering efforts of the Hong Kong Green Building Council in
promoting green buildings, sustainability in the built environment,
and green technological innovations in the construction industry.
We are delighted to have been able to participate in the Green
Building Award 2012, and to be able to work towards zero carbon
environments. We hope that the Green Building Award will continue
to demonstrate how technology, design and planning can work
together to both reduce energy consumption and to incentivize more
green initiatives to benefit our city.
Message from President of The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) – Ms. Serena S.W. LAU
香港測量師學會會長賀辭 – 劉詩韻測量師
With increasing awareness in environmental protection, sustainable
development hasbecomeoneof thekeyconcerns in the21st century.
The Green Building Awards recognizes outstanding projects teams
with excellent contributions towards sustainability and conservation
of the environment. On behalf of HKIS, I would like to congratulate
all winners and nominees, and the Green Building Award 2012
every success.
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