Message from PGBC
Founding Members
Message from President of The Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA) – Mr. Dominic K. K. LAM, FHKIA
香港建築師學會會長賀辭 – 林光祺建築師,香港建築師學會資深會員
On behalf of The Hong Kong Institute of Architects (“HKIA”), may I
convey my warmest congratulations to all the awardees of Green
Building Award 2012?
Green Building Award 2012 (GBA 2012) is organised by the
Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) with Professional
Green Building Council (PGBC) to provide recognition to building-
related projects with remarkable performance and contributions
in sustainability and the built environment.
It is so encouraging to witness that in recent years GBA has
become the pioneer of the buildings industry in shaping the
mainstreammarket towards an extensive adoption of sustainable
planning, design, construction, management, maintenance,
renovation and decommissioning of buildings.
HKIA sincerely hopes that success of GBA 2012 will result in
greater realisations of the proactive role that the professionals of
buildings industry play in the healthy and vibrant development of
Hong Kong.
Message from President of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) – Ir CHAN Fuk Cheung
香港工程師學會會長賀辭 – 陳福祥工程師
On behalf of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, it is my
pleasure to offermy heartfelt congratulations to theGreenBuilding
Award (GBA) 2012 Organising Committee and the awardees on
the occasion of the Award Presentation Dinner.
Since its launching in 2006, the Award has promoted the
recognition of building-related projects with distinctive
contributions in sustainability. With the theme “Towards Zero
Carbon”, I am particularly delighted to witness the efforts
contributed by professionals of related industries in providing a
quality living amenity for the community.
May I wish the Award Presentation Dinner a remarkable evening
for all participants who have made commendable dedications
towards building a greener Hong Kong.
Green Building Award 2012
Towards Zero Carbon