Green Mag - Issue 01 - page 14

Hong Kong Science Park Phase 3
Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation has always been committed to
promoting sustainable development. In 2011, construction started on the development for
Hong Kong Science Park Phase 3, which features a total of 39 passive, active and renewable
energy green design features. Mr Dickson Wat, Senior Manager (Projects) at Hong Kong
Science and Technology Parks Corporation, explains that the design of this third phase uses
“back to basic” as its design concept and slogan. He is convinced that by getting the project’s
eco credentials right from the very beginning, not only will the company save time and effort,
it will also create an excellent foundation for the addition of further energy-saving and other
green components in the future.
在 2011 年動工的香港科學園第三期,結合
設計共 39 項。香港科技園公司工程高級經理
Ex-Yuen Long Estate
The Ex-Yuen Long Estate development project is the Housing Department’s first public
housing project graded with a BEAM Plus Provisional Platinum rating. “The Department is
committed to integrating green features into its development projects,” explains the Housing
Department’s Chief Architect, Mr Ken Cheung. “After the Buildings Department launched gross
floor area (GFA) concessions with BEAM Plus registration in 2011, the Housing Department
decided to further enhance its standard specifications by achieving a minimum of BEAM
Plus Gold rating in any development projects, thus increasing the number of dwelling units
that can be built from the extra GFA granted.” He further explains that every development
plan must take into account the social, economic and environmental considerations of the
community mainly from the grass root sector. Therefore the Housing Department is taking the
lead in integrating passive design that blend with the local environment and better adapt to
the micro climate conditions. These measures are fully tailored to local conditions and make
optimal use of natural resources. As such, they not only meet the needs of the community
to the greatest extent possible, they also provide comfortable living and cultivate a sense of
sustainable development for the community.
張冠城說:「房屋署一直致力將環保設施融入項目。隨着綠建環評及屋宇署於 2011 年推出的
The Ex-Yuen Long Estate development project
is the Housing Department’s first public housing
project graded with a BEAM Plus Provisional
Platinum rating
There will be more green building designs
incorporated into the Phase 3 of the
Hong Kong Science Park
Cover Story
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