Green Mag - Issue 01 - page 8

Mind Renovation: Driving Green
Building Standards
ven back in its establishment in
the early 1970s, Swire Properties
placed considerable emphasis
on the environmental impact
of its development projects. For
example, Taikoo Shing was Hong Kong’s first
large-scale, landscaped estate project. For
the later construction of Pacific Place, the
company spent HK$20 million to preserve a
century-old tree. “At that time, the concept of
green building and environmental protection
in the community was very vague,” recalls
Ir Chan. “The Government did not have any
relevant policies or measures to promote
green ideas or sustainability. Nonetheless,
we understood that construction had a
profound effect on the environment, and
so we decided to take the lead within
the property industry to highlight the
importance of environmental protection in
our work.”
I n 1 9 9 5 , Sw i r e P r o p e r t i e s a n d t h e
construction industry led the development
of the BEAM certification tool. This was in
keeping with Ir Chan’s personal belief that
property owners must lead by example, in
the hope that architects, consultants and
other professionals would be increasingly
eager to gain deeper insights and more
knowledge on the subject, which in turn
could promote the development of green
building throughout the industry. “It proves
that the company was on the right track,” Ir
Chan adds.
Ir Chan refers to Island East as Swire
Properties’ “land of fortune”, and expressed
his hope that the community development
model would induce synergy for sustainable
development. As early as during the
construction of Taikoo Shing, for instance,
Swire Properties was acutely aware of the
project’s potential to enhance the sense
of community in the area and improve the
surrounding environment.
The green facilities implemented in the
office complex TaiKoo Place were all
designed to serve the entire community,
with features such as seawater-cooled air
conditioning systems, heat recovery wheels,
an automatic tube cleaning device for AC
systems, energy-efficient lighting, the use
of natural light, pedestrian bridges between
buildings, green roofs, rainwater collection
and reuse, waste recycling centres and more.
Since the completion of One Island East, Ir
Chan has been working with his team to
constantly generate new ideas and research
the feasibility of adding yet more green
elements to the area in order to maximise its
“What the Great Learning teaches, is to illustrate
illustrious virtue......” recites Ir Cary Chan, Swire
Properties’ General Manager of Technical Services
and Sustainability. Taken from one of Confucius
classic Four Books, the Great Learning, the
words are a fitting testament to Swire Properties’
experience in sustainable development and green
Patron Member's Interview
, General Manager, Technical Services & Sustainability, Swire Properties Limited
The Great
Learning of
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