Creating an environment that facilitates disclosure
• Widespread participation
- In order for the tool to
drive retro-commissioning, upgrades and green building
financing, it needs to be widely perceived as consistent
and hence must be based on a large number of sufficiently
representative buildings. Given the gravitation towards
regulatory measures at the stakeholder engagement
consultation, an effective means to achieve this is to
include clauses in the EAC or template that encourages (or
mandates) reporting and benchmarking.
• Metering
– Buildings need to be sufficiently sub-metered
to gain insight into its operations. Initial feedback from
the EAC reporting of EMSD indicates that a lot of buildings
are inadequately sub-metered. The level of resolution
should distinguish energy usage among major classes of
CBSI. If sub-metering is not possible, appropriate methods
of energy modelling to make estimations are needed.
One Island East: Swire Properties Limited
has successfully benchmarked,
re-commissioned and retrofitted its building stock.
Case Study
Reporting and Benchmarking in New York
• Annual reporting through "Portfolio Manager"
since 2009 - Measure the building's energy and
water use with an online benchmarking tool.
• Significant reduction possible:
• If all buildings improve to 50th percentile
20% GHG reduction
• If all buildings improve to the 75th percentile
33% GHG reduction
• Access to accurate information is an issue
• Automatic uploading from utilities; and
• Explore with utilities ways to offset the
cost of installing smart meters for better