Pursuing energy disclosure
Benchmarking has a pivotal role on the
roadmap. Currently, HKGBC has put into
action two initiatives towards the successful
implementation of benchmarking – a
tool targeting commercial tenants, and
another focusing on the landlord building
• Synchronisation
– a number of
enhancements required for the tool in
order for it to comprehensively support
this roadmap;
• Coverage
– full launch of the tool must
be completed before the second stage
of this roadmap; and
• Financing
- this becomes critical in
the second stage when the bulk of the
investment in physical upgrade occurs.
Leveraging the private sector
• Funds, loans and ESCOs
– for such a
large scale retrofit, it is important that
a business case is developed. This in
turn requires the development of a
consistent benchmarking and reporting
system, such that energy savings can
be consistently measured, and thus the
realisation of value for these retrofits
can be appropriately distributed; and
• Carbon markets
– the establishment
of the benchmarking system also
creates the potential for energy/carbon
markets (tax/rebates/trading) that
can supplement the business case for