2.7 Building Energy Code Roadmap
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
• Progressive increase in stringency -
similar to the one proposed in ASHRAE
timeline. The full-report on “Research
on Market Drivers for Transformation of
Green Buildings in Hong Kong” studied
a number of examples concerning
the possible evolutions of particular
equipment specifications;
• Encourage better data resolution –
increase resolution by introducing more
comprehensive clauses on metering,
sub-metering and modelling techniques
(for consumption that cannot be
adequately sub-metered) that allows
collection of data to the level required
by the benchmarking tool;
• Performance requirements – current BEC
focuses on prescriptive specifications on
equipment. Performance requirements
of systems will require benchmarking
tool, which will then drive the retro-
commissioning of systems;
• EUI requirements – taking the
performance requirements one level
higher. Again, benchmarking has a
critical role, as it drives the retrofitting
of buildings with outdated equipment;
• Enhanced
assessment – the current performance
based assessment within the BEC is
targeted towards demonstrating the
energy specification of particular pieces
of equipment. In the future, when
performance and EUI requirements
are in place, we will need more
extensive guidance on the set-up of the
performance based models much like
the Appendix G in ASHRAE standards.
Driving efficiency with Building Energy Code (BEC)
Key areas of development for BEC