The stakeholder engagement consultation
revealed a general consensus amongst
professionals that the building controls
measures are stifling innovative design.
Hence, it is important that future
development of building regulations
includes strengthening of the respective
performance based assessments.
• Building Envelope – Since 1996, OTTV
has been in place, and has undergone
periodic reviews to its stringency. Other
than gradual tightening, it must also be
developed in a way that allows greater
flexibility design. To develop the code
to encompass imaginatively shaped
shading devices, the performance-based
method must be further strengthened;
• Building Massing – the Sustainable
Building Design (SBD) Guidelines on
building separation and set-back
currently allows performance-based
assessments. However, the clause is
seldom used. Clearer guidelines on their
application will greatly enhance the
robustness leading to less restrictive
constraints to design; and
• BEC (see previous pages on Building
Energy Code Roadmap)
Encouraging exemplary performance – performance based assessment of thermal comfort
characteristics of a theatre
Encouraging flexible designs with exemplary performance