2.6 Benchmarking Tool Roadmap
Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited
Building energy benchmarking is the pivotal
point on the roadmap. Firstly, many of the
initiatives of stage one are geared towards
the implementation of benchmarking
– the refinement of building codes, the
preparation of assessment methodology in
BEAM Plus, etc.
Secondly, a significant part of stage two also
requires a robust benchmarking system to
succeed – the identification of enhancement
works in retro-commissioning and
retrofitting, the construction of a consistent
financial framework in GFA incentives,
ESCOs and carbon markets.
Currently, HKGBC has put into action
two initiatives towards the successful
implementation of benchmarking – a
tool targeting commercial tenants, and
another focusing on the landlord building
Energy disclosure as a market driver
• Developing
performance controls
: The landlord
benchmarking tool targets Central
Building Services Installations (CBSIs),
such as chillers, AHU and VAV, common
area lighting. In its development, the
primary objective is to collect data to
develop a building EUI benchmark; Data
gained can be used to develop control
criteria for controls over the building
• Future iterations of the reporting
and benchmarking tool can
introduce a higher level of accuracy
that allows benchmarking of
systems within a building, such
as the air-conditioning system.
If a sufficient level of resolution
can be achieved, the data can be
used to develop control criteria
for particular systems (kW/tons to
benchmark performance of chilled
water system); and
• Future iterations of the tool
must also cover a wider range
of building types (see target for
existing buildings).
• A tool for evaluating the business
: Another important value of the
tool is that it provides a consistent
measure for valuing energy efficiency
strategies by separating operation
factors from actual efficiency measures
of installed equipment. This is essential
in developing a level playing field for
ESCOs and carbon markets; and
• Future development of the tool
must ensure its robustness to
allow consistent quantification
of savings for financing purpose
(see section on Green Building
Financing Roadmap).
• Developing tenant and office
appliance controls
: The office tenant
benchmarking – for benchmarking
tenant consumption such as lighting,
tenant based air-conditioning system
and also office appliances. If the
resolution of collected data is sufficient,
it will be very useful in informing the
future development of the Mandatory
Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme
(MEELS) of Electrical and Mechanical
Services Department (EMSD).