The four founding members of the HKGBC, namely Construction Industry Council (CIC), Business Environment Council Limited (BEC), BEAM Society Limited (BSL), and Professional Green Building Council Limited (PGBC), represent every stage of the building life cycle and green building value chain.
Construction Industry Council (CIC)

The Construction Industry Council (CIC) was formed in 2007 under the Construction Industry Council Ordinance (Cap. 587). The CIC consists of a chairman and 24 members representing various sectors of the industry including employers, professionals, academics, contractors, workers, independent persons and Government officials.
The main functions of the CIC are to forge consensus on long-term strategic issues, convey the industry's needs and aspirations to the Government, provide professional training and registration services, and serve as a communication channel between the Government and the construction industry.
To learn more about the CIC, please visit website
Business Environment Council Limited (BEC)

The BEC is the longest running independent, non-profit organisation in Hong Kong promoting corporate social and environmental responsibility. Established in 1989, the BEC offers sustainable business solutions covering baseline assessment, advisory, research, training and award programmes for companies across all sectors and at any stage of their corporate sustainability journey.
BEAM Society Limited (BSL)

Formerly known as the BEAM Society, the BSL is a non-profit organisation that owns and operates the Building Environmental Assessment Method (BEAM) since 1996. BSL oversees the on-going development and implementation of BEAM standards for building assessment, performance improvement, certification and labelling.
Professional Green Building Council Limited (PGBC)

The PGBC is a non-profit making research and education institute to promote a better sustainable built environment through professional involvement of members from the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA), the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects (HKILA), the Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP) and the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS). It brings together professionals to formulate better environmental practices.