Welcome to join the HKGBC Membership. Please fill in the online form below by first selecting the "Membership Type" you desire to join. Then the needed information will be shown for your further completion.
If you would like to know more about the different types of Membership and respective information, please click HERE.
Required Field
Business Reg. No.: Should only apply for the Patron Membership and Institutional Membership. Please provide the Business Registration Number as such, all employees under this organisation will be included as the member of the HKGBC if the application is approved by the Board of Directors of the HKGBC.
At least 6 characters long. Password will be activated after membership approval.
Agree Disagree
Please make declaration below as to which one of the following eight Institutional Membership Groups is the most suitable category that best described your company's primary business or profession. If your company decides not to make such declaration, please fill in the last item in which case the Council will record that you are not interested and forfeit your right in nominating candidate for election as directors of the Council from the Institutional Members in the future.
Please indicate the most suitable category below that best described your company's primary business or profession:
Payable to "Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited" and sent to the following address:
1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Bldg 77 Tat Chee Avenue Kowloon Hong Kong Attention: HKGBC Membership Office
The application will be proceed for approval upon receiving your cheque for membership fee. The approval result shall be emailed to the applicant once the procedure is completed.
As a member of the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC), we hereby agree to actively support and adhere to the Vision and Mission of HKGBC and to contribute directly through our own organisation’s activities as set out below:
VISION: To help save the planet and improve well-being for the people of Hong Kong by transforming the city to a greener built environment.
MISSION: To lead market transformation by advocating Green Policies to the Government, introducing Green Building Practices to all stakeholders, setting Standards for the building profession, and promoting a Green Lifestyle to the people of Hong Kong.