2.13 Education Roadmap
Professionals and the Entire Hong Kong Community
Enhancing cooperation between landlords
and tenants through Green Lease
Develop a Green Lease framework for
reference. The framework should outline the
key objectives of the Green Lease:
• Data sharing – encourage the sharing of
energy and other operation data between
landlords and tenants to increase the
scope for enhancement and behaviour
• Alignmentof incentives– to fairlydistribute
the cost-savings through sustainable
operation between landlords (i.e. who
often have to pay for the hardware) and
tenants (i.e. who have to foot the bill for
resource consumption); and
• Coordination in operation – many green
building features require coordination
between landlords and tenants – these
include sensors (lighting, occupancy and
carbon dioxide level etc.), waste disposal
systems (sorting, processing), or simply
switching off air-conditioner or light when
a space is not occupied. The Green Lease
can give a frame of reference for both
landlords and tenants in such operations.
Building capacity through professional
• At the first stage, the focus is on
professional training towards the
realisation of benchmarking. While at the
second stage, it shifts towards technical
• Enhanced Registered Energy Assessor
(REA) Scheme – the current scheme
does not require specialised training in
the field of energy measurement and
improvement. In the first phase, the
key will be training assessors in the art
of accurately measuring and estimating
energy usage in buildings for reporting
and benchmarking purposes;
• In the second stage, they must be
trained to identify the potentials for
improving building energy efficiency via
retro-commissioning and also recognise
equipment/systems that are out-dated
and need to be retrofitted; and
• The previous section outlined the financial
challenges and potential of the action
plan: professionals fluent in the financing
of green buildings will be in high demand
in the second stage.