2.12 Tenant-side Reduction Roadmap
BESTOO, BEAM Plus Rating and the Entire Hong Kong
Engaging the tenants through Green
Lease/Green Tenancy Driver
Green Lease is an arrangement that offers
substantial benefits to both tenants and
building owners/landlords and therefore
considered to be the primary method to
promote energy saving in Tenant-side.
Green Lease will:
• Improve environmental performance
of the leased space by securing the
commitments on the part of both the
landlords and the tenants;
• Align and split financial incentives so
that both parties benefit from adopting
green measures; and
• Improve environmental data reporting
transparency to enable tenants and
landlords to measure success against
agreed-upon goals.
The suggested strategies applied in Green
Lease are summarised, but not least, as
• Compliance with the room temperature
• Adoption of demand control ventilation
strategies and daylight harvesting;
• Obtain the targeted Lighting Power
Density (LPD) within the tenant space;
• Encouraging the use of task lighting.
Measurement and Verification for Tenants
The decisions consumers and businesses
made on how to use energy can have a
huge impact on energy demand and on the
costs they face. To help tenants make the
best use of their energy and prevent waste,
measurement data will enable people to
understand their energy use and maximise
opportunities for energy saving.
Encouraging the application of tenant
benchmarking tool and local certification
Encourage tenants to apply benchmarking
tool and certification system will also
promote tenant energy saving behaviour.
Two local certification systems have been
developed and launched by HKGBC:
• BuildingEnergy PerformanceRecognition
Scheme: Benchmarking & Energy Saving
Tool - Office Occupants (BESTOO) which
aims to promote energy efficiency for
office premises in multi-tenancy office
buildings; and
• BEAM Plus Interiors which promotes the
green and low carbon interior design to
the market.
These certification schemes provide
comprehensive and continuous recognition
for outstanding energy performance.