The Wider Economical Benefits
Other than the localised short-term benefits
of cost-savings, we must also project the
campaign in terms of its wider economical
benefits to enable greater buy-in of
• The development of green industry
which can give quantifiable benefits
• The creation of jobs for green
professionals and technicians;
• The creation of assets in terms of
technology and expertise; and
• The export of such assets beyond
Hong Kong.
• The development of energy/carbon
trading markets
• Leverages the financial market to
fund the energy efficient retrofits
through loans or similar investments;
• Participation in the international or
Pearl River Delta/regional energy/
carbon trading markets such as
the Shenzhen-Hong Kong carbon
emission trading.
End-user Motivation
In the scenario discussed in the executive
summary, a significant portion of the
reduction comes from the end-user load
• Create awareness through pilot projects,
promotions and publicity;
• Educate in terms of both professional
and lay public; and
• Facilitate and maximise the capture of
such load reductions through Green
For this scenario, a reduction of at least
15% of plug load is required, which is
approximately in-line with the past trend.