2.9 BEAM Plus Roadmap
Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited
/ BEAM Society Limited
Enhancing the robustness of BEAM Plus
Key areas of development for BEAM Plus
• Passive design
– one of the criticism
of the original BEAM Plus v1.1 is that
the framework does not sufficiently
cover benefits of buildings with
passive design in mind. Since then, the
subsequent version 1.2 has included
an alternative path targeting passive
design of residential buildings. In
the future evolution of BEAM Plus,
methodology should be included to
encourage the passive design within a
wider range of building type;
• Performance
gap between modelled and actual
performance is a short-coming of
almost all green building assessment
methodologies around the world. With
the advent of a robust reporting and
benchmarking tool, BEAM Plus can
include post-occupation performance as
part of the reporting requirement, with
accompanying clauses to ensure actual
performance are met. In contrast to the
progressive improvement methodology,
exemplary buildings, and should be
introduced as a parallel path;
• Progressive Improvement
– New
iterations of the scheme should make
use of the improved energy disclosure
format discussed in the reporting/
benchmarking section; and
• Scope enhancement
– BEAM Plus
framework is primarily targeted towards
typical commercial and residential
buildings. For more specialised
buildings, such as healthcare, arts and
cultural, industrial, BEAM Plus may not be
able to consistently assess a building’s
performance. Hence, it is important to
increase its scope of application as it