Page 33 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 33
in 2010 to study measures that could be Carbon auditing is used to understand and identify further carbon reduction and energy
implemented in the design and construction measure the carbon footprint as a first step saving opportunities.
of residential buildings to help reduce to identifying appropriate carbon reduction
energy consumption in these buildings. The measures. To promote carbon auditing With funding support from the Environment
consultancy study has been completed and a practices in the community, in particular the and Conservation Fund, a ‘CarbonSmart’
new guideline is expected to be promulgated building sector, which accounts for over 60 Programme was rolled out in March 2012
by end 2014. Under the proposed guideline, percent of the carbon footprint in Hong Kong, to incentivise private enterprises to conduct
the building envelopes of new residential in July 2008 the Government drew up a set energy-cum-carbon audits. A matching fund
developments will be required to be designed of guidelines on carbon auditing for local was provided to 200 companies to conduct
and constructed with a suitable residential buildings, and launched various initiatives audits. Separately, the Environmental
thermal transfer value as a pre-requisite for to encourage the adoption of regular carbon Protection Department (EPD) is planning to
granting GFA concessions. The guideline will auditing practices in both the public and launch a dedicated website in 2014 for listed
also promote window design to enable natural private sectors. A ‘Green Hong Kong•Carbon companies to disclose their carbon audit
ventilation for thermal comfort. If developers Audit’ Campaign was also launched to invite findings, and share their carbon management
wish to apply for GFA concessions, the extent organisations from different sectors to experience and practices.
of compliance with the natural ventilation commit to implementing carbon reduction
design requirement (i.e. the percentage of measures and conducting carbon audits. To enhance the quality of carbon audit
habitable spaces complying with the design services, the Hong Kong Accreditation
guideline) will need to be submitted to the Leading by example, the Government has Services, with support from EPD, launched
Buildings Department for review. In the already conducted more than 530 yearly a new accreditation service in December
future, further research will be necessary to carbon audits for about 240 government 2012 to accredit greenhouse gas validation/
formulate a benchmark for such design. buildings and public facilities since the verification bodies which provide services
issuance of the carbon audit guidelines. In to verify carbon audit reports and validate
addition, in September 2012, the Government greenhouse gas assertions according to ISO
rolled out a three-year programme to conduct 14064 standards.
energy-cum-carbon audits for about 120
government premises and public facilities to
in 2010 to study measures that could be Carbon auditing is used to understand and identify further carbon reduction and energy
implemented in the design and construction measure the carbon footprint as a first step saving opportunities.
of residential buildings to help reduce to identifying appropriate carbon reduction
energy consumption in these buildings. The measures. To promote carbon auditing With funding support from the Environment
consultancy study has been completed and a practices in the community, in particular the and Conservation Fund, a ‘CarbonSmart’
new guideline is expected to be promulgated building sector, which accounts for over 60 Programme was rolled out in March 2012
by end 2014. Under the proposed guideline, percent of the carbon footprint in Hong Kong, to incentivise private enterprises to conduct
the building envelopes of new residential in July 2008 the Government drew up a set energy-cum-carbon audits. A matching fund
developments will be required to be designed of guidelines on carbon auditing for local was provided to 200 companies to conduct
and constructed with a suitable residential buildings, and launched various initiatives audits. Separately, the Environmental
thermal transfer value as a pre-requisite for to encourage the adoption of regular carbon Protection Department (EPD) is planning to
granting GFA concessions. The guideline will auditing practices in both the public and launch a dedicated website in 2014 for listed
also promote window design to enable natural private sectors. A ‘Green Hong Kong•Carbon companies to disclose their carbon audit
ventilation for thermal comfort. If developers Audit’ Campaign was also launched to invite findings, and share their carbon management
wish to apply for GFA concessions, the extent organisations from different sectors to experience and practices.
of compliance with the natural ventilation commit to implementing carbon reduction
design requirement (i.e. the percentage of measures and conducting carbon audits. To enhance the quality of carbon audit
habitable spaces complying with the design services, the Hong Kong Accreditation
guideline) will need to be submitted to the Leading by example, the Government has Services, with support from EPD, launched
Buildings Department for review. In the already conducted more than 530 yearly a new accreditation service in December
future, further research will be necessary to carbon audits for about 240 government 2012 to accredit greenhouse gas validation/
formulate a benchmark for such design. buildings and public facilities since the verification bodies which provide services
issuance of the carbon audit guidelines. In to verify carbon audit reports and validate
addition, in September 2012, the Government greenhouse gas assertions according to ISO
rolled out a three-year programme to conduct 14064 standards.
energy-cum-carbon audits for about 120
government premises and public facilities to