Page 36 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 36
Government Sustainable Buildings
Sustainable Building Design (SBD) guidelines In Hong Kong, Secretary for the Environment New Government Buildings
comprise three building design elements to has set up an inter-departmental committee
enhance the environmental sustainability of to promote green building development in a All new government buildings with a
our living space, namely building separation, holistic manner, and strengthen coordination construction floor area above 10,000 m2
building set back and the site coverage of among various Bureaux and Departments in should aim to obtain the second highest
greenery. The Government has introduced a formulating implementation strategies and grade or above under the Hong Kong
number of initiatives to promote sustainable action plans. Building Environmental Assessment Method
buildings: As the Government manages 8,000 (HK-BEAM)/BEAM Plus. HK-BEAM/BEAM
• Green performance framework for buildings in Hong Kong, these offer a Plus comprises four grades, namely Platinum,
valuable opportunity for Government to lead Gold, Silver and Bronze. Project proponents or
government buildings; by example through incorporating green managers are strongly encouraged to strive
• Mandatory building environmental features and adopting green practices. A for better performance by seeking to obtain
green performance framework has been the highest grade under HK-BEAM/BEAM
assessment for new buildings applying for established for this purpose, which sets out Plus wherever possible. Of the 44 government
GFA concessions; green building targets in planning, design and buildings that have been registered under the
• Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Certification construction, operation and management, HK-BEAM/BEAM Plus system, 14 of them
Scheme; maintenance and refurbishment of new have exceeded the target in order to attain
• Performance-based approach to and existing government buildings. With the highest Platinum rating.
environmentally friendly lighting and Government taking the lead, together with Apart from green building ratings, new
ventilation design; and tangible outcomes, it is anticipated that the government buildings above 10,000 m2
• Legislation and schemes to promote energy non-governmental sector will be similarly are expected to outperform the minimum
efficiency and conservation for buildings. inspired to also take positive action to energy efficiency standards of relevant
enhance the green performance of their mandatory codes by 5-10 percent, and carry
buildings. The Government will continue to out carbon audits and report the findings
update its targets in light of technological in the annual Environmental Performance
advancements. Report of government departments. All
new government buildings should also aim
to achieve the ‘Excellent Class’ of the IAQ
To promote the use of renewable energy,
all new schools and educational buildings
Sustainable Building Design (SBD) guidelines In Hong Kong, Secretary for the Environment New Government Buildings
comprise three building design elements to has set up an inter-departmental committee
enhance the environmental sustainability of to promote green building development in a All new government buildings with a
our living space, namely building separation, holistic manner, and strengthen coordination construction floor area above 10,000 m2
building set back and the site coverage of among various Bureaux and Departments in should aim to obtain the second highest
greenery. The Government has introduced a formulating implementation strategies and grade or above under the Hong Kong
number of initiatives to promote sustainable action plans. Building Environmental Assessment Method
buildings: As the Government manages 8,000 (HK-BEAM)/BEAM Plus. HK-BEAM/BEAM
• Green performance framework for buildings in Hong Kong, these offer a Plus comprises four grades, namely Platinum,
valuable opportunity for Government to lead Gold, Silver and Bronze. Project proponents or
government buildings; by example through incorporating green managers are strongly encouraged to strive
• Mandatory building environmental features and adopting green practices. A for better performance by seeking to obtain
green performance framework has been the highest grade under HK-BEAM/BEAM
assessment for new buildings applying for established for this purpose, which sets out Plus wherever possible. Of the 44 government
GFA concessions; green building targets in planning, design and buildings that have been registered under the
• Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Certification construction, operation and management, HK-BEAM/BEAM Plus system, 14 of them
Scheme; maintenance and refurbishment of new have exceeded the target in order to attain
• Performance-based approach to and existing government buildings. With the highest Platinum rating.
environmentally friendly lighting and Government taking the lead, together with Apart from green building ratings, new
ventilation design; and tangible outcomes, it is anticipated that the government buildings above 10,000 m2
• Legislation and schemes to promote energy non-governmental sector will be similarly are expected to outperform the minimum
efficiency and conservation for buildings. inspired to also take positive action to energy efficiency standards of relevant
enhance the green performance of their mandatory codes by 5-10 percent, and carry
buildings. The Government will continue to out carbon audits and report the findings
update its targets in light of technological in the annual Environmental Performance
advancements. Report of government departments. All
new government buildings should also aim
to achieve the ‘Excellent Class’ of the IAQ
To promote the use of renewable energy,
all new schools and educational buildings