Page 37 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 37
without air-conditioning are required to aim Existing Government Buildings As for water conservation, existing
to have at least 0.5 percent of their electricity government buildings should aim to use water
consumption provided by renewable energy. In 2009, the target of achieving a 5 percent conservation designs and devices in line with
All other new government buildings should saving in total electricity consumption was the prevailing standard for new government
incorporate renewable energy technologies established for existing government buildings buildings when undergoing major retrofitting
as far as reasonably practicable. from FY2009-10 to FY2013-14, using the works for the inside service and plumbing
In respect of water conservation, all new electricity consumption in FY2007-08 as the installations. Housekeeping measures must
government buildings are required to baseline and under comparable operating be in place for all existing government
use water conservation devices, such as conditions. That goal was achieved in the first buildings to reduce water consumption and
low-flow taps and dual-flush toilets, and three years. In FY2012-13, savings reached 7 water wastage.
install an on-site wastewater treatment percent, which exceeded the original target. To reduce the generation of waste,
system where appropriate. Usage of This impressive result was possible through adequate space must also be provided
alternative sources of water (e.g. treated the implementation of a number of energy for the separation, collection and storage
rainwater and grey water for irrigation, or saving projects and housekeeping measures. of recyclable materials for recycling. This
seawater for flushing and cooling) is also In addition, all existing government buildings includes installation of waste separation
being explored. are required to achieve an energy performance bins, and the separate collection of food
As regards waste management, all new in line with the prevailing energy performance waste for composting where possible.
government buildings are required to reduce of new government buildings when undergoing
the generation of waste as much as possible major retrofitting works for building services
at every stage of the building’s life cycle. installations. Existing government buildings
During the construction stage, adequate with a construction floor area of more than
space must be provided for the separation, 10,000 m2 are encouraged to carry out regular
collection and storage of recyclable materials carbon audits to track the effectiveness of
for recycling, including installation of waste greenhouse gases reduction efforts. Carbon
separation bins and the separate collection of audit results and findings are to be reflected
food waste for composting where applicable. in the annual Environmental Performance
All new government buildings should Report of government departments.
maximise and retain the use of existing All existing government buildings with
building structures and materials on site, a construction floor area of more than
using certified environmentally sustainable 10,000 m2 are further required to achieve the
building materials or those with high ‘Good Class’ of the IAQ Objectives.
recyclable content.
to have at least 0.5 percent of their electricity government buildings should aim to use water
consumption provided by renewable energy. In 2009, the target of achieving a 5 percent conservation designs and devices in line with
All other new government buildings should saving in total electricity consumption was the prevailing standard for new government
incorporate renewable energy technologies established for existing government buildings buildings when undergoing major retrofitting
as far as reasonably practicable. from FY2009-10 to FY2013-14, using the works for the inside service and plumbing
In respect of water conservation, all new electricity consumption in FY2007-08 as the installations. Housekeeping measures must
government buildings are required to baseline and under comparable operating be in place for all existing government
use water conservation devices, such as conditions. That goal was achieved in the first buildings to reduce water consumption and
low-flow taps and dual-flush toilets, and three years. In FY2012-13, savings reached 7 water wastage.
install an on-site wastewater treatment percent, which exceeded the original target. To reduce the generation of waste,
system where appropriate. Usage of This impressive result was possible through adequate space must also be provided
alternative sources of water (e.g. treated the implementation of a number of energy for the separation, collection and storage
rainwater and grey water for irrigation, or saving projects and housekeeping measures. of recyclable materials for recycling. This
seawater for flushing and cooling) is also In addition, all existing government buildings includes installation of waste separation
being explored. are required to achieve an energy performance bins, and the separate collection of food
As regards waste management, all new in line with the prevailing energy performance waste for composting where possible.
government buildings are required to reduce of new government buildings when undergoing
the generation of waste as much as possible major retrofitting works for building services
at every stage of the building’s life cycle. installations. Existing government buildings
During the construction stage, adequate with a construction floor area of more than
space must be provided for the separation, 10,000 m2 are encouraged to carry out regular
collection and storage of recyclable materials carbon audits to track the effectiveness of
for recycling, including installation of waste greenhouse gases reduction efforts. Carbon
separation bins and the separate collection of audit results and findings are to be reflected
food waste for composting where applicable. in the annual Environmental Performance
All new government buildings should Report of government departments.
maximise and retain the use of existing All existing government buildings with
building structures and materials on site, a construction floor area of more than
using certified environmentally sustainable 10,000 m2 are further required to achieve the
building materials or those with high ‘Good Class’ of the IAQ Objectives.
recyclable content.