Page 31 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 31
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Site Coverage of Greenery

length of a building in relation to the width of Site Coverage of Greenery guidelines, the minimum requirement is
the adjoining street. A minimum permeability 20 percent for sites with an area of 1,000 m2
is also stipulated for buildings of 20 percent, To improve the environmental quality of the to 20,000 m2, and 30 percent for sites with
25 percent or 33.3 percent depending on the urban space, particularly at the pedestrian an area of 20,000 m2 or more. For both types
size of the site and the height of the buildings. level, and to mitigate the heat island effect, of sites, at least half of the total greenery
An alternative performance-based approach new building developments with site areas area should be provided in the pedestrian
using an air ventilation assessment (AVA) by of 1,000 m2 or more should be provided with zone. With the exception of trees, shrubs and
wind tunnel modelling or computational fluid greenery at the pedestrian zone, communal grass, other greening features, such as water
dynamics may be applied by comparing the podium roof / flat roof / main roof, slope features, grass pavers and vertical greening
proposal with a baseline case that complies and retaining structure, where appropriate, may also be accepted.
with the requirements prescribed in the SBD to meet the minimum requirements of green
guidelines. site coverage (i.e. the percentage of greenery
area over the total site area). Under the SBD

Building Set Back 15m or three storeys podium7.5m
15m or three storeys podium
To improve air ventilation, enhance the
environmental quality at the pedestrian
level and mitigate the deep ‘street canyon’
effect, SBD guidelines further require that
a building which abuts a narrow street less
than 15 metres wide should be set back. No
part of the building, up to a level of 15 metres
above the street level (pedestrian zone),
should be within 7.5 metres from the centre
line of the street.

less than 15m 1.8m 2.5m 6.4m 2.5m 1.8m
3.2m 3.2m
Building Set Back footpath plzaonntieng road width plzaonntieng footpath

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