Page 32 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 32
Government Sustainable Built Environment


The development intensity in Hong Kong platforms, wider common corridors and lift Lowering the energy consumption of buildings
is controlled by limiting the permissible lobbies, communal sky gardens, communal is an important part of Hong Kong’s carbon
plot ratio and site coverage of a building podium gardens, acoustic fins, sunshades emission reduction strategy, as 90 percent
or buildings within a site based on the size and reflectors, wing walls, wind catchers and of our electricity is consumed by buildings.
and classification of the site, and the height wind funnels, non-structural prefabricated To reduce the electricity consumption of
and use of the building. Plot ratio is a figure external walls and noise barriers. air-conditioning in commercial buildings
obtained by dividing the total GFA of the and hotels, the Building (Energy Efficiency)
building by the site area. However, the floor In order to contain the effect on building bulk Regulation requires the external walls and
areas of certain features such as green or while allowing flexibility for incorporating roofs of these buildings to be designed and
amenity features, plant rooms and car parks desirable green or amenity features and constructed with a suitable overall thermal
may be excluded from the GFA calculation non-mandatory or non-essential plant transfer value (OTTV). Since April 2011, the
as, since February 2001, the Buildings rooms and services, an overall cap of 10 OTTV standard has been further tightened
Department, the Planning Department and percent is imposed on the total amount of by 20 percent from 70 W/m2 and 30 W/m2
the Lands Department have promulgated GFA concessions for these features under to 56 W/m2 and 24 W/m2 for the podium and
Joint Practice Notes to provide incentives the new policy, effective since April 2011. building tower respectively. It is estimated
on GFA and site coverage concessions for Certain features such as mandatory plant that this will result in energy savings of
the provision of environmentally friendly rooms, car parks and communal sky gardens 2.4 to 4.4 percent.
features in private buildings so as to promote are not be subject to this overall cap on GFA
green buildings in the private sector. Such concessions. As the OTTV requirement is only applicable
green features include balconies, utility to commercial buildings and hotels, a
consultancy study on Design and Construction
Requirements for Residential Buildings
for Energy Efficiency was commissioned

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