Page 38 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 38
Government Sustainable Buildings

MANDATORY BUILDING INDOOR AIR QUALITY will be issued to the property owners and
ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATION SCHEME FOR management so that they can be displayed at
FOR NEW BUILDINGS APPLYING OFFICES AND PUBLIC PLACES a prominent place for public information.
FOR GFA CONCESSIONS The certificate is valid for 12 months. For
To encourage the industry to adopt SBD To improve IAQ and promote public certificate renewal, a full set of 12 parameters
elements, namely building separation, awareness, the EPD has been implementing a on IAQ Objectives should be measured once
building set back and site coverage of voluntary IAQ Certification Scheme for Offices every five years. In the intervening four years,
greenery, compliance with SBD guidelines and Public Places since 2003 to encourage only carbon dioxide and respirable suspended
is one of the pre-requisites for granting of property owners and management to adopt particulates need to be measured annually.
GFA concessions. The Government has also good IAQ management practices. Hong Kong Since the launch of the IAQ Certification
included the three SBD design requirements is the first place in East Asia to introduce such Scheme in 2003, the number of premises
mentioned above in the lease conditions of a certification scheme. participating in the Certification Scheme
new land sale sites or lease modifications/ has increased significantly. The number of
land exchanges. Where applicable, the The IAQ Certification Scheme is applicable to certificates issued increased from 86 to 976
assessment results under the BEAM Plus buildings or totally enclosed areas for use as between 2004 and end 2013. Among these
certification should be provided in the sales offices or public places (including shopping certificates, 192 are ‘Excellent Class’ and 784
brochures for sales of First-hand Residential malls, hotels, restaurants and theatres) that are ‘Good Class‘.
Properties. As at 31 December 2013, about are served by mechanical ventilation and air Apart from implementing the IAQ Certification
110 approved projects had adopted SBD conditioning systems. A set of two-level IAQ Scheme, EPD also organises various
guidelines in their design proposals. Objectives (i.e. ‘Excellent Class’ and ‘Good
Class‘) has been established as the benchmark
To give the green building movement a for IAQ evaluation and assessment.
bigger push in the private sector, in addition
to the requirement for compliance with The owners or property managers of the
SBD guidelines and the overall cap on GFA premises are expected to engage a competent
concessions, under the new policy effective examiner, namely a Certificate Issuing Body,
since April 2011, all new buildings will to conduct the IAQ measurement. A total
be required to undergo the BEAM Plus of 12 IAQ parameters are to be measured
assessment (but without mandating the under the IAQ Objectives, which include room
rating obtained) if developers wish to apply temperature, relative humidity, air movement,
for GFA concessions. The result of the BEAM carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, respirable
Plus assessment, as well as the estimated suspended particulates, nitrogen dioxide,
energy consumption of the common areas ozone, formaldehyde, total volatile organic
of a domestic development and of the entire compounds, radon and airborne bacteria. If
non-domestic development, will be published the measurement results comply with the
on the Buildings Department’s website upon IAQ Objectives, an IAQ Certificate and Label
completion of the development.

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