Page 34 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 34
Government Sustainable Built Environment
Expert Briefing Publications
Public Forum Workshop Sessions
Urban Climatic Map and Urban Climatic Map Urban Climatic Map
Standards for Wind Environment and Standards for and Standards for
Wind Environment Wind Environment
- Feasibility Study - Feasibility Study - Feasibility Study
Stakeholders Engagement Technical Digest Stackholder
January 2009 Engagemnet Digest
December 2011
FEASIBILITY STUDY ON a two-staged public engagement was carried the preparation and review of the statutory
AN URBAN CLIMATIC MAP out as part of the study process. Public outline zoning plans.
AND STANDARDS FOR THE views have been generally supportive of Planning and design measures for improving
WIND ENVIRONMENT the study recommendations and their early the urban climate are also identified
Like many other world cities with a high implementation. based on scientific parametric studies and
development density, Hong Kong suffers from research. Recommendations address such
the ‘Urban Heat Island’ effect. The intensifying The Study fulfilled four main tasks: topics as providing more greenery, reducing
increase in urban temperature and decrease • Formulation of an Urban Climatic ground coverage, optimising the proximity
in urban wind over the years have resulted to openness and connectivity, monitoring
in an increase in the number of very hot Analysis Map (UC-AnMap) and an Urban building volume, improving building
days and very hot nights, bringing with it Climatic Planning Recommendation Map permeability and optimising building height.
considerable public health, environmental and (UC-ReMap); A practical wind performance criterion was
socio-economic issues like thermal • Planning and design measures to improve also established, comprising a required
discomfort, heat stress-related mortality and the urban climate; wind speed of 1 m/s, and an alternative
increased energy consumption. At a policy • Establishment of Wind Performance (prescriptive) approach specifying four
level, it is believed that action should be Criterion; and mitigating design measures of reduced
taken to address urban climatic concerns. • Refinement of the AVA System. ground coverage, increased greenery, building
permeability and building set back. The wind
In 2006, based on the recommendations of The UC-AnMap identifies urban climatically performance criterion aims to ensure the
the ‘Feasibility Study on the Establishment valuable areas and problematic areas eventual and long-term improvement of urban
of an AVA System’, the Government set out subject to a strong impact on human thermal permeability and the living environment.
an advisory framework for AVA requiring comfort due to the high thermal load and Concluded in 2012, the approach to take the
all major government projects to include low dynamic wind potential of the existing study’s recommendations forward is being
AVA as one of the planning and design built environment. In the UC-ReMap, the examined by the Government. Following
considerations. Moving a step further, in the whole territory is classified into urban Hong Kong’s lead, nearby cities such as
same year the Government commissioned climatic planning zones for which planning Singapore, Kaohsiung, Macau and some
‘The Urban Climatic Map and Standards for actions are identified. Preservation or Mainland cities have started their own urban
the Wind Environment Feasibility Study’ to improvements/mitigation and strategic climatic mapping efforts. The study promotes
comprehensively and scientifically map out planning guidance are recommended for an urban climatically-conscious approach to
the existing urban climatic characteristics of each urban climatic planning zone. The UC-
different parts of the territory, and to provide ReMap also identifies locations for new
strategic recommendations in planning and developments and provides guidance in
design practices to improve the urban climate.
Detailed studies were carried out to establish
a wind performance criterion for Hong
Kong. Apart from technical investigations,
Expert Briefing Publications
Public Forum Workshop Sessions
Urban Climatic Map and Urban Climatic Map Urban Climatic Map
Standards for Wind Environment and Standards for and Standards for
Wind Environment Wind Environment
- Feasibility Study - Feasibility Study - Feasibility Study
Stakeholders Engagement Technical Digest Stackholder
January 2009 Engagemnet Digest
December 2011
FEASIBILITY STUDY ON a two-staged public engagement was carried the preparation and review of the statutory
AN URBAN CLIMATIC MAP out as part of the study process. Public outline zoning plans.
AND STANDARDS FOR THE views have been generally supportive of Planning and design measures for improving
WIND ENVIRONMENT the study recommendations and their early the urban climate are also identified
Like many other world cities with a high implementation. based on scientific parametric studies and
development density, Hong Kong suffers from research. Recommendations address such
the ‘Urban Heat Island’ effect. The intensifying The Study fulfilled four main tasks: topics as providing more greenery, reducing
increase in urban temperature and decrease • Formulation of an Urban Climatic ground coverage, optimising the proximity
in urban wind over the years have resulted to openness and connectivity, monitoring
in an increase in the number of very hot Analysis Map (UC-AnMap) and an Urban building volume, improving building
days and very hot nights, bringing with it Climatic Planning Recommendation Map permeability and optimising building height.
considerable public health, environmental and (UC-ReMap); A practical wind performance criterion was
socio-economic issues like thermal • Planning and design measures to improve also established, comprising a required
discomfort, heat stress-related mortality and the urban climate; wind speed of 1 m/s, and an alternative
increased energy consumption. At a policy • Establishment of Wind Performance (prescriptive) approach specifying four
level, it is believed that action should be Criterion; and mitigating design measures of reduced
taken to address urban climatic concerns. • Refinement of the AVA System. ground coverage, increased greenery, building
permeability and building set back. The wind
In 2006, based on the recommendations of The UC-AnMap identifies urban climatically performance criterion aims to ensure the
the ‘Feasibility Study on the Establishment valuable areas and problematic areas eventual and long-term improvement of urban
of an AVA System’, the Government set out subject to a strong impact on human thermal permeability and the living environment.
an advisory framework for AVA requiring comfort due to the high thermal load and Concluded in 2012, the approach to take the
all major government projects to include low dynamic wind potential of the existing study’s recommendations forward is being
AVA as one of the planning and design built environment. In the UC-ReMap, the examined by the Government. Following
considerations. Moving a step further, in the whole territory is classified into urban Hong Kong’s lead, nearby cities such as
same year the Government commissioned climatic planning zones for which planning Singapore, Kaohsiung, Macau and some
‘The Urban Climatic Map and Standards for actions are identified. Preservation or Mainland cities have started their own urban
the Wind Environment Feasibility Study’ to improvements/mitigation and strategic climatic mapping efforts. The study promotes
comprehensively and scientifically map out planning guidance are recommended for an urban climatically-conscious approach to
the existing urban climatic characteristics of each urban climatic planning zone. The UC-
different parts of the territory, and to provide ReMap also identifies locations for new
strategic recommendations in planning and developments and provides guidance in
design practices to improve the urban climate.
Detailed studies were carried out to establish
a wind performance criterion for Hong
Kong. Apart from technical investigations,