Page 28 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 28
Government Sustainable Built Environment

Key policy tools to driver the development of HONG KONG PLANNING essential to the well-being of the community.
Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) in Hong STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES Chapter 11 (Urban Design Guidelines) and
Kong include: Chapter 4 (Recreation, Open Space and
The Hong Kong Planning Standards and Greening) of HKPSG are particularly relevant
• Planning standards and guidelines; Guidelines (HKPSG) is a manual produced by to enhancing a SBE.
• Public engagement; the Government for determining the scale,
• Sustainable building design (SBD) location and site requirements of various In Chapter 11, the Urban Design section
land uses and facilities. Its purpose is to highlights that due consideration should be
guidelines; provide general guidelines to ensure that, given to urban design concepts and principles
• Incentives from gross floor area (GFA) during the planning process, the Government in the planning and development process to
reserves adequate land to facilitate social create a high quality SBE. The urban design
concessions; and economic development and appropriate attributes of Hong Kong from macro to micro
• Enhanced energy efficiency of buildings; public facilities to meet the needs of the levels are featured, as well as checklists of
• Public campaign to promote carbon audits; public. Apart from development purposes, urban design considerations and issues. The
• Feasibility study on an urban climatic map it also states guidelines on environmental air ventilation section provides qualitative
planning, conservation of our natural guidelines on air ventilation in land use
and standards for the wind environment; landscape and habitats, and conservation of planning, urban design, and the planning and
• Community Green Stations to nourish a our cultural heritage and townscape, so as design of large-scale developments at an
to raise the quality of Hong Kong residents’ early stage before any actual undertaking of
‘Use less, Waste less’ culture; and lives. This manual is applied in planning air ventilation assessments. The key principle
• Waste As Renewable Energy Source for studies, preparations/revision of town plans, is to create and/or preserve a permeable and
and development control. rough-textured urban fabric that improves
Waste Management Facility. the wind environment of the city. At a district
Each chapter of the HKPSG covers a level, breezeways should be created along
particular group or aspect of land uses or major prevailing wind directions, and air
facilities. The topics include residential paths intersecting the breezeways should
densities, community facilities, recreational be provided to improve the microclimate
facilities, open space and greening, industrial of the urban environment. At a site level,
land, retail facilities, utility services, internal the recommended measures include the
transport facilities, environmental planning, provision of a building set back parallel to the
conservation, urban design guidelines, prevailing wind, and reducing site coverage
and miscellaneous planning standards and
guidelines. As such, the HKPSG covers the full
range of local, district and territorial facilities

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