Page 70 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 70
Researches An Innovative, Efficient and Economic
Design Method for Composite Structures

Concrete Fracture Nx
Failure surface
Initial crack


Compared to other countries and regions, best uses of concrete and steel, specifically capacities is required. Experiments were
winds can be very strong in Hong Kong, for Hong Kong. carried out for composite column tests and
particularly in the event of typhoons. With connection analysis using the advanced finite
numerous high-rise buildings in the city, A research team from the Hong Kong element method. This process avoids the
this makes structures vulnerable to climatic Polytechnic University developed an need to check the strength and stability of
impacts, which is why overseas construction innovative, efficient and economic design every structural member individually.
and design technologies cannot be directly method for steel and composite structures
adopted in the local construction industry. that met building requirements and improved Furthermore, this second-order direct analysis
The use of reinforced concrete, bare steel productivity in building and structural method for design replaces the old linear
and traditional composite construction is construction. In this project, the safety and analysis, allowing effective length design
largely governed by prescriptive design structural adequacy of beams and columns to be applied in the design of complicated
codes designed to withstand local conditions, were checked against the yield surfaces. structural forms by considering new features
however the downside is that this limits the In the model, whenever a moment-axial associated with composite construction (such
creativity of architects and engineers. This force coordinate lies outside the failure and as semi-rigid joints) for more accurate designs
research project proposes a simulation-based yield surfaces, the member is considered based on strength, ductility and stiffness.
design of composite construction to make the as a failure and strengthening of section

Composite column
with steel beams

Reinforced concrete
column and beams

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