Page 75 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 75
Year 2014 Stage One Stage Two 2030

Education Encourage, Enhanced energy Retro-commissioning and Retrofitting and building level Green Building
Roadmap disseminate, auditor training system/equipment level training training finance training
promote with reporting Adoption of
innovative design methodology, and Green Leases

Tenant-Side Green Tenancy Driver: Align and split
Reduction Raise awareness, incentives
Roadmap Promote pilot projects,
Refine target, scope and

Green ECF funds Loans Establish playing-field for ESCO
Building performance contracts and Carbon
Financing carbon markets based on markets
Roadmap benchmarking

GFA Establishment of Re-alignment of Performance
Incentives minimum performance incentives verification
Roadmap Additional GFA
Tie-in with bonus value BEAM Plus 4.0
Enhancement of OTTV,
BEAM Plus BEAM Plus v 1.3 – 2.0 BEAM Plus 3.0 Enhancement of RTTV
Roadmap Enhancement of BEAM Plus: includes performance Enhancement of NV
Scope, assessment, reporting
stringency, passive design,
progressive improvement

Building Enhancement of OTTV, Enhancement of OTTV, Enhancement of
Controls OTTV,
Roadmap Introduction of RTTV controls Enhancement of RTTV Enhancement of
Introduction of NV reporting Introduction of NV Enhancement of
Building controls with increased controls NV
flexibility for innovative designs

New Upgrade Minimum Encourage Performance Critical path
Buildings Performance Exemplary verification for new
Roadmap Standards Innovative Design buildings

Building Increase performance Increase performance Increase performance Increase
Energy Code stringency stringency stringency performance
BEC: metering for reporting BEC: BEC to include retrofitting based stringency
Roadmap EAC: clause on reporting retro-commissioning on performance BEC to include
Enhanced performance based based on performance BEC to include system EUI criteria
assessment EAC to include benchmark criteria
benchmarking clause

Benchmarking Increase resolution of the Full launch of
Tool Roadmap benchmarking tool benchmarking tool

Existing Majority of Majority of Majority of Under-performing Critical path
Buildings buildings buildings buildings buildings retrofitted for existing
Roadmap reporting benchmarked retro-commissioned buildings

   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80