Page 72 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 72
Researches BEAM Plus Neighbourhood Development:
A Rating Tool for Urban Sustainability
Designed for application in Hong Kong’s The Hong Kong Green Building Council Given the nature of a neighbourhood and
built environment, BEAM Plus has (HKGBC) saw the need to develop a the importance of accessibility, connectivity
three building-level assessment tools in long-term framework that not only can act and permeability, the assessment should
operation, namely: New Buildings (NB), as a benchmarking tool for projects at the not just concern the Site Area, but also the
Existing Buildings (EB) and Building Interiors ‘neighbourhood level‘, but also one that takes immediate vicinity. Thus the assessment
(BI). However, the methodology for assessing account of the city’s urban environment, area under the new tool includes an impact
performance in the public realm when statutory framework and local practices. In area defined by a 500-metre distance, to be
buildings are developed as a neighbourhood, May 2013, the HKGBC conducted a research measured along a pedestrian route, together
or even as a broader urban form, is missing. study to develop a BEAM Plus Neighbourhood with the site area itself. To avoid being too
Urban form is defined as the long-term Development (ND) tool. The team was led restrictive in application, the new tool will
outcome after integrating characteristics by Arup, with support from Ronald Lu & not impose any constraints on the size or
related to land use patterns, transportation Partners and PlanArch Consultants. Having nature of projects. This means that the new
system and urban design. Liveable cities examined the provisions and relevance of tool has the advantage of being able to cater
and equitable societies also form part of this comparable overseas schemes in Australia, for a wide range of applications, ranging
discussion. It is important to include cultural Japan, Singapore, the UK and the US, a from site planning for a modest development
and socio-economic elements (e.g. diversity in preliminary proposal for the BEAM Plus site to master-planning for comprehensive
housing stocks, local economic development, ND tool was drawn up and stakeholder development areas or larger-scale mixed-use
and heritage conservation) into a holistic engagement exercises were carried out in developments.
approach when rating a neighbourhood. late 2013 to solicit feedback from the industry
and community at large. As a result, Version
One of the tool, which is expected to be fully
rolled out in early 2015, was developed.
A Rating Tool for Urban Sustainability
Designed for application in Hong Kong’s The Hong Kong Green Building Council Given the nature of a neighbourhood and
built environment, BEAM Plus has (HKGBC) saw the need to develop a the importance of accessibility, connectivity
three building-level assessment tools in long-term framework that not only can act and permeability, the assessment should
operation, namely: New Buildings (NB), as a benchmarking tool for projects at the not just concern the Site Area, but also the
Existing Buildings (EB) and Building Interiors ‘neighbourhood level‘, but also one that takes immediate vicinity. Thus the assessment
(BI). However, the methodology for assessing account of the city’s urban environment, area under the new tool includes an impact
performance in the public realm when statutory framework and local practices. In area defined by a 500-metre distance, to be
buildings are developed as a neighbourhood, May 2013, the HKGBC conducted a research measured along a pedestrian route, together
or even as a broader urban form, is missing. study to develop a BEAM Plus Neighbourhood with the site area itself. To avoid being too
Urban form is defined as the long-term Development (ND) tool. The team was led restrictive in application, the new tool will
outcome after integrating characteristics by Arup, with support from Ronald Lu & not impose any constraints on the size or
related to land use patterns, transportation Partners and PlanArch Consultants. Having nature of projects. This means that the new
system and urban design. Liveable cities examined the provisions and relevance of tool has the advantage of being able to cater
and equitable societies also form part of this comparable overseas schemes in Australia, for a wide range of applications, ranging
discussion. It is important to include cultural Japan, Singapore, the UK and the US, a from site planning for a modest development
and socio-economic elements (e.g. diversity in preliminary proposal for the BEAM Plus site to master-planning for comprehensive
housing stocks, local economic development, ND tool was drawn up and stakeholder development areas or larger-scale mixed-use
and heritage conservation) into a holistic engagement exercises were carried out in developments.
approach when rating a neighbourhood. late 2013 to solicit feedback from the industry
and community at large. As a result, Version
One of the tool, which is expected to be fully
rolled out in early 2015, was developed.