Page 68 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 68
Researches Roadmap for
Building Information Modelling
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is not In order to build momentum, it is necessary A Working Group on the ‘Roadmap for BIM
just a 3D drawing tool but a new way of to gain project clients’ commitment to Implementation’ was established under the
holistically managing the information related advancing construction through the use of CIC’s Committee on Environment, Innovation
to construction projects, from planning BIM. Project clients (e.g. property developers, and Technology. In September 2014, a
to design, construction and operations. It the Government and public bodies) are reference material was published by the
offers a new method of working that uses generally recognised as the key stakeholders Working Group advocating a set of measures
modern technology to facilitate project driving the adoption of BIM. From the project including the development of standards or
management and execution. As such, BIM client’s perspective, BIM can help to: specifications to facilitate the wider use of
enables better control of the construction BIM in construction projects, promotions
process and enhances cross-disciplinary • Provide multi-dimensional visual images targeting industry stakeholders who are not
collaboration, internal coordination, and timely information related to familiar with the use and benefits of BIM,
external communication, problem solving, construction projects; or who are observers or new to the idea of
decision-making support, productivity adopting BIM, especially the top management
management and risk management. • Test models and generate options for of major project clients, etc. It seeks to
better decision-making in respect of time, develop the industry’s BIM capacity by driving
The construction industry is adopting BIM cost, process, risk, etc.; curricular change in construction-related and
on a global scale. The United States, the computer science academic programmes, and
United Kingdom, a number of major European • Detect design faults (especially clashes) providing training in BIM model development,
countries, Singapore and South Korea have and minimise the number of changes; management of BIM and use of BIM models.
all mandated the use of BIM in some public
construction projects. Some countries have • Improve site safety management and The reference material further recommended
set up agencies to manage the nationwide education; 17 initiatives in 9 areas for the adoption of
implementation of BIM and the introduction BIM in Hong Kong’s construction industry.
of best practices and standards. A number • Enhance financial risk management and
of countries will likewise require BIM to be minimise financial claims due to variations
adopted in the near future. As BIM-related and delays;
practices and issues surrounding planning,
adoption, technology and performance are • Facilitate better project coordination by
moving at a fast pace, especially in developed bringing together relevant participants in
countries, Hong Kong’s construction industry the construction project to collaborate and
must keep pace with the majority of achieve an integrated design at an early
developed countries. stage; and
• Facilitate third-party and public
engagement by enhancing communications
to solicit the support of the community at
the project planning stage.
Building Information Modelling
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is not In order to build momentum, it is necessary A Working Group on the ‘Roadmap for BIM
just a 3D drawing tool but a new way of to gain project clients’ commitment to Implementation’ was established under the
holistically managing the information related advancing construction through the use of CIC’s Committee on Environment, Innovation
to construction projects, from planning BIM. Project clients (e.g. property developers, and Technology. In September 2014, a
to design, construction and operations. It the Government and public bodies) are reference material was published by the
offers a new method of working that uses generally recognised as the key stakeholders Working Group advocating a set of measures
modern technology to facilitate project driving the adoption of BIM. From the project including the development of standards or
management and execution. As such, BIM client’s perspective, BIM can help to: specifications to facilitate the wider use of
enables better control of the construction BIM in construction projects, promotions
process and enhances cross-disciplinary • Provide multi-dimensional visual images targeting industry stakeholders who are not
collaboration, internal coordination, and timely information related to familiar with the use and benefits of BIM,
external communication, problem solving, construction projects; or who are observers or new to the idea of
decision-making support, productivity adopting BIM, especially the top management
management and risk management. • Test models and generate options for of major project clients, etc. It seeks to
better decision-making in respect of time, develop the industry’s BIM capacity by driving
The construction industry is adopting BIM cost, process, risk, etc.; curricular change in construction-related and
on a global scale. The United States, the computer science academic programmes, and
United Kingdom, a number of major European • Detect design faults (especially clashes) providing training in BIM model development,
countries, Singapore and South Korea have and minimise the number of changes; management of BIM and use of BIM models.
all mandated the use of BIM in some public
construction projects. Some countries have • Improve site safety management and The reference material further recommended
set up agencies to manage the nationwide education; 17 initiatives in 9 areas for the adoption of
implementation of BIM and the introduction BIM in Hong Kong’s construction industry.
of best practices and standards. A number • Enhance financial risk management and
of countries will likewise require BIM to be minimise financial claims due to variations
adopted in the near future. As BIM-related and delays;
practices and issues surrounding planning,
adoption, technology and performance are • Facilitate better project coordination by
moving at a fast pace, especially in developed bringing together relevant participants in
countries, Hong Kong’s construction industry the construction project to collaborate and
must keep pace with the majority of achieve an integrated design at an early
developed countries. stage; and
• Facilitate third-party and public
engagement by enhancing communications
to solicit the support of the community at
the project planning stage.