Construction and Demolition Waste
Introduction of Construction and Demolition Waste
Considering the overall sustainable development of the construction industry and Hong Kong, construction and demolition (C&D) waste is one of the inevitable elements to tackle. In Hong Kong, about 20% of total waste intake at the three existing landfills are construction and demolition waste. By considering existing and insufficient public fill capacity and waste reduction, the life of public fill will be further shortened in few years. With the current trend of running out landfill space, the reduction of construction and demolition waste is necessary.
The C&D waste can be reduced, reused and recycled by policies, incentives and industry best practices. In order to identify the right policies and incentives to reduce C&D waste and to share experiences and industry best practices, HKGBC and the Environment Bureau are forming a joint working group with the view to gather industry stakeholders and draw consensus for the targets and recommendations on the reduction of C&D waste.