Government stakeholder Engagement Exercise
The first government stakeholder engagement workshop jointly organised by HKGBC and the Environment Bureau was held on the 26th February 2013 at Zero Carbon Building to map out the current situation on Construction and Demolition Waste in Hong Kong. Over 100 industry stakeholders participated in the workshop, including different Government bureaus and departments, developers, contractors, recyclers and industry professional associations.
Government Engagement on the Reduction of Construction & Demolition Waste Programme
Opening remarks
Mr Wong Kam Sing, JP
Secretary for the Environment
Environment Bureau
HKSAR Government
Construction and Demolition Waste: Overview
Mr Albert Lam, JP
Environmental Protection Department
HKSAR Government
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Construction and Demolition waste: A Paradigm Shift
Ir Conrad Wong, JP
Hong Kong Green Building Council
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Green Policy in Public Works Projects
Mr Jimmy Chan
Development Bureau
HKSAR Government
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Reuse Potential of Recycled aggregates in construction industry
Ir Professor Albert Kwan
The University of Hong Kong
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Reduction of C&D Waste in Public Housing
Ms Ada Fung, JP
Housing Department
HKSAR Government
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How could building design contribute to reduction of C&D Waste
Mr Leung Man Kit
Hong Kong Institute of Architects