HKGBW 2013 - Biz Green Fashion Show cum Award Presentation (30 Aug 2013)

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HKGBW 2013 - Biz Green Fashion Show cum Award Presentation (30 Aug 2013)

As part of Hong Kong Green Building Week 2013 (HKGBW 2013), the Construction Industry Council (CIC) and the HKGBC are jointly organising Biz-Green Dress Code Fashion Show cum Award Presentation at ZCB in Kowloon Bay on 30 August 2013.

Joined by celebrities Mr. Ruco CHAN and Ms. Mandy LIEU, the show features a series of winning energy-saving outfits from the Biz-Green Dress Code Design Contest which provide biz-green guidelines to white collars. The CIC and the HKGBC also announced that Biz-Green Dress Day would be on 10 September, and encouraged white collars to adhere to biz-green standards by going to work in light yet business appropriate attire, and save energy through minimising air conditioning consumption.

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