Page 215 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 215
Training/Education Kits
Internet platforms providing practical Kit for Liberal Studies’ addressing such topics AQHI Apps), desktop application (AQHI Alert
educational materials and activities as carbon emissions, energy, waste and Wizard), government information system and
guidelines have been developed by the EPD management. a hotline.
and ECC for kindergartens as well as primary
and secondary schools. For primary schools, the EPD and ECC EPD has launched a Food Wise Facebook
partnered with the Jane Goodall Institute Fan page to provide a constantly update on
The ECC, EPD and the Food Wise Hong Kong (Hong Kong) (JGI) to run a pilot education Food Wise activities, green tips and new
Campaign launched a new internet platform programme in ten primary schools. In addition government initiatives. This also serves as a
namely ’Waste Less School‘ on the WED to the development of educational resources, way for general public to give feedback and
2014. Riding on the theme of waste reduction, JGI helped in planning and implementing the share with friends about the experience on
the internet platform provides teaching aids school initiatives. food waste reduction.
such as teaching plans, teaching materials,
worksheets, educational videos and online The EPD also offers a loan service for On 10 March 2014, EPD launched the
games, etc. for kindergartens, primary and environmental education materials, including ’Waste Less‘ app to help users locate
secondary schools. education kits, scrolling panels, videos and waste collection points. Knowledge and news
CD-ROMs, for schools and social centres to related to waste reduction and recycling have
For liberal studies on the New Senior use. also been embedded in the app for promotion
Secondary Curriculum, the EPD and ECC and interaction. The ’Waste Less‘ app will
developed the Climate Change Teacher In December 2013, the EPD launched a new be upgraded in October 2014 with extended
Professional Development Programme, which air pollution information system, the Air features including an enlarged database
provides teaching resources on climate Quality Health Index (AQHI). Real-time AQHI covering over 7,000 recyclable collection
change and sustainability for the use of information and alerts are disseminated to points, an enhanced searching function and
teachers. The ECC has also launched the the community through the AQHI website a game about ’Clean Recycling‘.
‘Hong Kong: A Sustainable Future – Teaching (, mobile applications (HK
Internet platforms providing practical Kit for Liberal Studies’ addressing such topics AQHI Apps), desktop application (AQHI Alert
educational materials and activities as carbon emissions, energy, waste and Wizard), government information system and
guidelines have been developed by the EPD management. a hotline.
and ECC for kindergartens as well as primary
and secondary schools. For primary schools, the EPD and ECC EPD has launched a Food Wise Facebook
partnered with the Jane Goodall Institute Fan page to provide a constantly update on
The ECC, EPD and the Food Wise Hong Kong (Hong Kong) (JGI) to run a pilot education Food Wise activities, green tips and new
Campaign launched a new internet platform programme in ten primary schools. In addition government initiatives. This also serves as a
namely ’Waste Less School‘ on the WED to the development of educational resources, way for general public to give feedback and
2014. Riding on the theme of waste reduction, JGI helped in planning and implementing the share with friends about the experience on
the internet platform provides teaching aids school initiatives. food waste reduction.
such as teaching plans, teaching materials,
worksheets, educational videos and online The EPD also offers a loan service for On 10 March 2014, EPD launched the
games, etc. for kindergartens, primary and environmental education materials, including ’Waste Less‘ app to help users locate
secondary schools. education kits, scrolling panels, videos and waste collection points. Knowledge and news
CD-ROMs, for schools and social centres to related to waste reduction and recycling have
For liberal studies on the New Senior use. also been embedded in the app for promotion
Secondary Curriculum, the EPD and ECC and interaction. The ’Waste Less‘ app will
developed the Climate Change Teacher In December 2013, the EPD launched a new be upgraded in October 2014 with extended
Professional Development Programme, which air pollution information system, the Air features including an enlarged database
provides teaching resources on climate Quality Health Index (AQHI). Real-time AQHI covering over 7,000 recyclable collection
change and sustainability for the use of information and alerts are disseminated to points, an enhanced searching function and
teachers. The ECC has also launched the the community through the AQHI website a game about ’Clean Recycling‘.
‘Hong Kong: A Sustainable Future – Teaching (, mobile applications (HK