Page 212 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 212
Education Public Education


Public Campaigns

To enhance public awareness of sustainability, in Schools to enhance students’ awareness
different government departments have and cultivate behavioural change, together
been conducting a wide variety of publicity with the Hong Kong Green School Award,
campaigns and educational programmes. to encourage schools to formulate an
environmental policy and management plans
In 2012, the Government launched the Energy towards a green school.
Saving Charter on Indoor Temperature to
encourage building owners and management To encourage the business sector to take
to reduce electricity consumption on air actions in going green, EPD, ECC and nine
conditioning. By 2014, 35 developers and organisations including the leading business
property management companies have associations of Hong Kong co-organise
pledged to maintain the average indoor the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental
temperature of more than 140 shopping malls Excellence, one of the most prestigious and
and 510 shops, 250 office premises and 950 reputable environmental award schemes,
offices, as well as 140 housing estates and 80 launched in 2008. The award scheme,
residential buildings at 24 to 26°C during the comprising the Sectoral Awards, Green
summer months. Innovations Awards, Green Organisation
Labels, Environmental Labels and Carbon
The Environmental Protection Department Reduction Certificates, presents the business
(EPD), the Education Bureau and the sector with an opportunity to benchmark
Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC), their commitment towards environmental
a non-statutory body responsible to the excellence.
Secretary for the Environment, jointly
organised the Student Environmental At the district level, starting from 2012, the
Protection Ambassador (SEPA) Scheme and ECC, EPD, Home Affairs Department and
Waste Separation and Recycling Scheme the 18 District Councils (DCs) co-organise

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