Page 217 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 217
NON-GOVERNMENTAL to over 17 million stakeholders (with The ECF has also provided funding support for
ORGANISATIONS (NGOS) overlapping recipients) in the community. NGOs through the three-year NGOs Energy
Conservation Projects Scheme launched
Over the past few years, the ECF has At the district level, the ECF has launched the in October 2009 to carry out improvement
successfully secured the participation of District Council Collaboration Scheme since works for upgrading the energy efficiency
seven well-established NGOs to become 2008 to promote initiatives for environmental performance of prescribed building services
strategic partners in promulgating green protection in the community. The ECF has set installations in their premises. The approved
messages and acting as green role models. aside HK$50 million for projects submitted energy efficiency projects, upon completion,
With ECF’s in-principle funding support through the collaboration of DCs, which have are estimated to achieve electricity
totalling HK$128.48 million, these NGOs been invited to coordinate, support and/ savings of over 15.53 million kWh per year,
have each committed to launch a systematic or partner with local NGOs to implement representing a reduction in carbon dioxide
greening programme within a specified period district-wide environmental initiatives to emissions of about 10,871 tonnes per year.
of time for their transformation into Green promote green lifestyles. Energy conservation education programmes
NGOs, and implement a series of projects and implemented by NGOs under the Scheme have
initiatives such as environmental educational reached out to 1.5 million participants and in
programmes for their stakeholders. These turn engaged them in energy conservation.
NGOs leverage their wide network of about
760 service units to promote green messages

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