Page 220 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 220


Hong Kong has made great strides in People have always been at the heart professionals to promote the sustainable
sustainable buildings. While coping with a of sustainable buildings in Hong Kong. built environment through tools like BEAM
dense population, compact building spaces Sustainability is about creating healthy Plus, while at the same time working closely
and a sub-tropical climate, Hong Kong has homes and workplaces that are green, user with the Government to ensure that goals are
become a model of urbanisation for many friendly, comfortable and efficient. This has aligned.
other cities with few natural resources of not been easy, as space is tight and Hong
their own. Indeed, despite all its challenges, Kong does not have the benefit of ample land For the mass public, the main issue has
Hong Kong has managed to establish a built like other cities. But through the efforts of been one of awareness. To many citizens,
environment that has become a vibrant and planners, architects, designers, engineers, sustainable development is an abstract
bustling home to seven million people. There contractors and other sustainability-related notion best left to professionals and policy
is no secret recipe for Hong Kong’s liveability. professionals, Hong Kong has managed to makers so that the average person can get on
It is strong government policy and legislation, build a number of iconic homes ranging from with his or her busy life. Public engagement
robust planning standards, building energy sleek luxury developments to utilitarian and exercises like the ones run by the Sustainable
code and industry initiatives such as BEAM affordable public habitats, all crafted with Development Council have done much to
Plus and HK3030 that have helped the city get sustainable design principles in mind and raise levels of awareness and to empower
to the point where it is today. supported by world-class infrastructure. citizens. Thankfully, the next generation will
be even more enlightened as a result of
Leadership has been key in this people schooling and public education. Starting with
element. Political leadership in Hong Kong our children, ideas will be planted in young
is not without its challenges but the minds, reinforced in tertiary institutions and
Government has displayed strong mettle in become embedded in adult consciousness
developing policies and legislation to foster in later life. This is vital for Hong Kong’s
a sustainable environment. Furthermore, continued sustainability. Messages like
by insisting that all government buildings being less wasteful, respecting resources,
comply with sustainable building design considering the needs of others, and having
guidelines and applying BEAM Plus and an awareness of global issues will encourage
other green practices like procurement and the right behaviour and hopefully be the
annual reporting, the Government has shown mantra for our youths as they mature into
that the best way of leading is by example. responsible citizens of the future.
Industry has also responded to this call
by organising around a core of dedicated

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