Page 193 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 193

made a sacrifice by reducing the plot ratio and Use of an integrated solar desiccant KEY TEAM MEMBERS
building height to achieve an optimal design system and bio-mechanical louvre reflect
that is in harmony with the local environment. its thought leadership in the application Owner / Developer
The project team worked closely with the of green features. Other key passive and Glory United Development Ltd. (a subsidiary
contractor to minimise the effect of foundation active green features being implemented in of Henderson Land Development Company
works on the neighbourhood. For example, this development include a solar responsive Ltd.)
the sheet piling construction schedule was façade, hybrid ventilation, chilled beams Project Manager
revised to suit the timetable of the adjacent and daylight responsive controls. Different Henderson Real Estate Agency Ltd.
kindergarten. A sustainable design consultant types of clean and renewable energy are Architect
was engaged in the early design stage and likewise being adopted, including solar Dennis Lau & Ng Chun Man Architects &
worked closely with the project team to thermal and photovoltaic systems. These Engineers (HK) Ltd.
achieve a pioneering next-generation green well-orchestrated passive and active C&S Engineer
building design. Various studies were carried systems significantly reduce building energy Stephen Cheng Consulting Engineers Ltd.
out to achieve the optimised design, including consumption and improve the indoor working M&E Engineer
computer simulations and physical models. environment. P&T (M&E) Ltd.
The team worked back-and-forth to make A storm water recycling system and waste Landscape Architect
sure the building was sustainable and also management programme are applied to ADI Ltd.
achievable in both technical and budgetary demonstrate waste enhancement and social Quantity Surveyor
aspects. responsibility. A web-based smart system WT Partnership (HK) Ltd.
The Development Project targeted to will be engaged to facilitate and re-define Sustainable Design Consultant
achieve the highest grading for three merit green practices, such as a weather station Arup
certifications: LEED Platinum certification, integrated with the Building Management Façade Consultant
BEAM Plus Platinum and CGBL 3-Stars. Its System (BMS) back bone for localised control Hyder Consulting Ltd.
sustainable targets are to reduce energy and monitoring of the built environment in Acoustic Consultant
and water consumption by 30 percent and terms of humidity, temperature, daylight, Allied Environmental Consultants Ltd.
40 percent respectively. A number of green wind direction and air quality, so that the Design Architect & Interior Designer
features are also being adopted in order to building system can respond accordingly. Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects
create an integrated sustainable and smart By achieving these sustainable design
building. strategies, King Wah Road Commercial
Development is poised to form an essential
and influential element of next-generation
green building design.

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