Page 190 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 190
Private Sector Mount Parker Residences

The Mount Parker development project is building footprint. The proposed architectural humid, with a relatively short winter season.
located at Shau Kei Wan, to the south of scheme comprises an L-shaped residential The relative humidity is above 60 percent
Taikoo Shing and north of Kornhill, adjacent development of 21 storeys constructed on for the majority of the year. Hence, the
to Hong On Street. The development platform top of three storeys of basement floors. The building’s form and design focused on passive
is at the crest and the alignment with King’s basement floors are generally used as private strategies to keep unwanted heat out. With
Road is at the toe. The site and its landscape car parks with utility rooms and facilities. The respect to the particular topographical setting
context are characterised by a combination residential portion occupies the 2/F to 22/F of the site, the building is greatly exposed to
of man-made slopes from the northeast and floors and is constructed on top of a transfer the sun with only one neighbouring building,
remnants of the original landform, which structure. Located immediately below the The Floridian, located to the west offering
is abundant with vegetation, descending transfer structure is the first-floor recreational minimal shading protection in the afternoon.
down to the northeast. This natural setting floor with facilities such as a gymnasium, To reduce solar exposure, the building form
creates a pleasant environment for living, multi-purpose function room and children’s is fanned out into an L-shape configuration
and outdoor amenities are encouraged for play room. making it more linear in the east-west
the residents. The prime objective of this direction.
project is to provide a healthy and relaxing As a refuge floor is not required for a domestic
lifestyle to the residents living in a busy building with no more than 25 storeys above In addition to using insulated glass, the
and congested metropolitan city, yet also ground, the roof garden is designed to serve windows-to-wall ratio at the west- and
take advantage of the site’s convenient as a common facility instead of a private southwest-facing façades has been
location. As a Swire Properties residential garden to be sold. minimised. Moreover, the building’s core
development, green building design was of features, including the staircases, lifts and
paramount importance. During the early design stage, the project services, are located at the west and south-
sustainability aspects were carefully west side to act as a buffer and thermal
The site area is only about 2,647 m2. To reviewed. Passive design was one of the insulator to protect the inhabitable spaces
achieve the permitted development plot ratio, most important goals for sustainability. The from excessive solar heat gain.
the site coverage is maximised to about 33.33 climate in Hong Kong is generally warm and
percent. Since the site abuts a narrow public 0.26 hectare
street frontage, emergency vehicular access PROJECT SCALE / USE
(EVA) with sufficient manoeuvring space 14,116.84 m2
needs to be provided within the site area. Site area (approx.)
As this limits the landscape amenity area for 22 (including main roof floor)
the building’s users, the master layout aims Gross floor area (approx.)
to maximise landscape amenity features on 1,069
the ground floor with an EVA u-turn under the Number of floor above grade
Approximate final population

Key Occupancy type(s)

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