Page 195 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 195
A holistic range of design solutions was the design stage, not only to reduce the air KEY TEAM MEMBERS
implemented in order to achieve the highest conditioning energy consumption, but also
energy performance building in Hong Kong. to provide an opportunity to maximise clean Owner / Developer
The development of reduction strategies and fresh outside air serving the office space Taikoo Place Holdings Ltd.
also mirrored the hierarchy of low-energy to enhance air quality. A full fresh air supply Project Manager
frameworks, reduction measures prioritised minimises cross-contamination indoors and Swire Properties Ltd.
in terms of effectiveness and overall benefits. effectively enhances the indoor air quality. Architect
A total 35 percent reduction in annual Wong & Ouyang (HK) Ltd.
energy consumption was obtained with With integrated collaboration between C&S Engineer /
reference to the Building Energy Code 2012 the architect and MEP engineer during the Sustainable Design Consultant
published by the Electrical and Mechanical design stage, additional centralised exhaust Arup
Services Department. The accompanying systems were added in the central core for M&E Engineer
energy conservation strategies and low- future tenants to connect their individual J. Roger Preston Ltd.
carbon renewable energy systems have been exhaust ducts for air exchange during fit-out Quantity Surveyor
adopted. periods. This minimises the spread of odours Rider Levett Bucknall
and cross contamination between tenants. To Façade Consultant
• High performance façade; maintain high indoor air quality after building Hugh Dutton Associates;
occupation, the use of low VOC emitting Arup
• Chiller plant optimisation; materials for all adhesive and sealants, Acoustic Consultant
coatings and paint, and carpets was selected Campbell Shillinglaw Lau Ltd.
• High efficiency fans; for the tenant fit-out guideline to reduce
interior pollutant sources.
• Optimised lighting design;
The demolition, construction and ongoing
• Free cooling and air economiser; maintenance of buildings consume a
significant volume of resources. This is
• Heat recovery; particularly prevalent in the higher-end
property market, which demands the best of
• Lift regeneration; current provisions. As such, TKP2A highlights
a concerted approach to sustainability
• Enhanced operation of the air side system whereby all possible efforts are being made
and demand control ventilation; to reduce this impact.

• Daylighting system; and

• Bio-trigeneration system.

Maintaining good indoor air quality for
future office tenants is highly important. Full
fresh air free cooling was selected during

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