Page 197 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 197
contributed to consensus on the building persistence of the School of Architecture, KEY TEAM MEMBERS
process to incorporate spatial ambiance, fair-face concrete techniques were selected
authentic materiality, light quality, and green after numerous experimental attempts Owner / Developer
features. involving research and mock-ups. The Chinese University of Hong Kong

During construction, the challenges faced The AIT Building seeks to be a showcase of Project Manager
were not just how to meet green targets ‘sustainable buildings’ where a goal of BEAM Campus Development Office, The Chinese
but also practical obstacles like restrictive Plus is used to demonstrate good design and University of Hong Kong
site configuration and the adjoining MTR green practices. From the design inception
rail alignment, which created challenges stage, various energy efficient measures were Design Architect
for the contractor during foundation adopted, including a careful articulation of the Arch Design Architects Ltd.
construction. In the construction phase, the window-to-wall ratio, installation of motion
3-R environmental management process sensors in lighting systems, installation of C&S Engineer
was employed, accompanied by a flexible BIPV panels on the roof, installation of photo Wong & Cheng Consulting Engineers Ltd.
engineering service design to reduce waste sensors at perimeter lighting zones, a chilled
during refurbishment and deconstruction. In beam system in the ‘Green Room’ and a CO2 M&E Engineer
this process from design to construction, a demand control in the HVAC system. The Aurecon Hong Kong Ltd.
central guiding principle of ‘authenticity’ was overall performance of the building is checked
essential to eliminate unnecessary finishes with continuous measurements of indoor air Landscape Architect
and details. In the end, this is reflected in the quality, electricity consumption, and energy ACLA Ltd.
use of materials, like fair-face concrete walls, efficiency. As the BEAM Plus assessment
plywood balustrades, and natural-finish exercise is ongoing, various verifications Quantity Surveyor
pin-boards. This spirit has also informed a of environmental attainments are under Rider Levett Bucknall Ltd.
new aesthetic in some on-site decisions of investigation and the IAQ test reports will
exposed ceilings, off-form concrete walls, soon be accredited. Main Contractor
and self-level floor screeds. Through the Able Engineering Company Ltd.

Project Architect
Llewelyn-Davies Hong Kong Ltd.

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