Page 12 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 12
Message from
Chairman of Organising Committee
WSB14 - Hong Kong’s Participation
Sr Sam CHENG Sum-hing
Chairman of Organising Committee
WSB14 - Hong Kong’s Participation
I am pleased and honoured to chair the More importantly, it is delightful to
Organising Committee of Hong Kong’s see that both the public and private
Participation in WSB14. As a platinum sectors have done so much into building
sponsor, we have a sizeable exhibition a sustainable Hong Kong. It is also
area and three debate sessions to encouraging that the government and
organise, apart from compiling our the industry have one common goal
very own Hong Kong Report. I would – leading Hong Kong and the world
like to express my sincere thanks and towards a more sustainable future.
appreciation for everyone’s involvement
and contribution, especially the excellent We have indeed done a lot and achieved
work of fellow Committee Members, some milestones in our sustainability
the Scientific Sub-Committee as well efforts. However, we have more to do.
as the Hong Kong Report and Exhibition At the Conference, we will have the
Sub-Committee, we have achieved this chance to showcase our successes. We
massive task. will get inputs from our counterparts
from the rest of the world. The sharing
My special appreciation also goes to the and learning will stimulate our thinking
HKSAR Government. With their support, and will drive our green practices.
we are able to organise the largest When the conference ends, I am sure
Hong Kong delegation for WSB so far, the exchange will continue. And it will
with over 100 representatives from just mark another start to even more
government, industry and academia sustainability initiatives at home.
joining this global platform to exchange
ideas on the future direction of building Sr Sam CHENG Sum-hing
greener cities. During the preparation Chairman
of the WSB14, it is heartening for me Organising Committee
to witness the strong support from WSB14 - Hong Kong’s Participation
different parties, which is vital to the
success of our participation in this event.
Chairman of Organising Committee
WSB14 - Hong Kong’s Participation
Sr Sam CHENG Sum-hing
Chairman of Organising Committee
WSB14 - Hong Kong’s Participation
I am pleased and honoured to chair the More importantly, it is delightful to
Organising Committee of Hong Kong’s see that both the public and private
Participation in WSB14. As a platinum sectors have done so much into building
sponsor, we have a sizeable exhibition a sustainable Hong Kong. It is also
area and three debate sessions to encouraging that the government and
organise, apart from compiling our the industry have one common goal
very own Hong Kong Report. I would – leading Hong Kong and the world
like to express my sincere thanks and towards a more sustainable future.
appreciation for everyone’s involvement
and contribution, especially the excellent We have indeed done a lot and achieved
work of fellow Committee Members, some milestones in our sustainability
the Scientific Sub-Committee as well efforts. However, we have more to do.
as the Hong Kong Report and Exhibition At the Conference, we will have the
Sub-Committee, we have achieved this chance to showcase our successes. We
massive task. will get inputs from our counterparts
from the rest of the world. The sharing
My special appreciation also goes to the and learning will stimulate our thinking
HKSAR Government. With their support, and will drive our green practices.
we are able to organise the largest When the conference ends, I am sure
Hong Kong delegation for WSB so far, the exchange will continue. And it will
with over 100 representatives from just mark another start to even more
government, industry and academia sustainability initiatives at home.
joining this global platform to exchange
ideas on the future direction of building Sr Sam CHENG Sum-hing
greener cities. During the preparation Chairman
of the WSB14, it is heartening for me Organising Committee
to witness the strong support from WSB14 - Hong Kong’s Participation
different parties, which is vital to the
success of our participation in this event.