Page 11 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 11
Message from
Chairman of Hong Kong Green Building Council
Ir Conrad WONG Tin-cheung, BBS, JP
Chairman of Hong Kong Green Building Council
Hong Kong is one of the world’s most On a per-capita basis, it is now one of
recognisable cities. It is a vibrant hub the most widely used voluntary green
for business and commerce, and a building labelling schemes on the
vital bridge between East and West. planet, with more than 15.4 million m2
It also faces a number of unique of Gross Floor Area certified since the
challenges regarding a sustainable launch of HK-BEAM and BEAM Plus.
built environment. There are now The Hong Kong Green Building Council
7 million people on little more than has also set out its vision to help save
250 km2 (since three quarters of Hong the planet and provide a healthier
Kong’s land is designated as country environment for the people of Hong
parks or undeveloped because of the Kong by transforming the city to a
terrain). This high-rise, high-density greener built environment. Its flagship
urban environment has a hot and HK3030 campaign targets to reduce
humid subtropical climate, making the absolute electricity consumption of
energy reduction a significantly greater buildings in Hong Kong by 30 percent of
challenge than it is in many European the 2005 level by 2030. We also continue
and North American cities. With limited to develop a wide range of industry
space and few natural resources, there tools and other initiatives to drive
is also an urgent need to encourage sustainable development, e.g. the Green
reuse and recycling, and to develop Building Product Labelling Scheme,
sustainable waste management the annual Hong Kong Green Building
strategies. Week campaign. In parallel with these
I am proud to say that Hong Kong is rising efforts, we are striving to capitalise on
to all these challenges and more. Driven global knowledge exchange regarding
by the vision to create a sustainable sustainable development by playing
city that balances development with host to the WorldGBC Congress in 2015,
environmental concerns, Hong Kong and WSBE in 2017.
is finding innovative new solutions to There is much to be done, but we are
difficult problems. In the process, it committed to success. We look forward
is creating a valuable new model for to sharing our experiences at this year’s
sustainable development than can be conference, and we look forward to
applied across the region and around welcoming you to Hong Kong in 2017.
the world.
To date, our successes include the launch Ir Conrad WONG Tin-cheung, BBS, JP
of a green building assessment tool, Chairman
namely HK-BEAM and the subsequent Hong Kong Green Building Council
BEAM Plus, which has been tailor-
made for our unique built environment.
Chairman of Hong Kong Green Building Council
Ir Conrad WONG Tin-cheung, BBS, JP
Chairman of Hong Kong Green Building Council
Hong Kong is one of the world’s most On a per-capita basis, it is now one of
recognisable cities. It is a vibrant hub the most widely used voluntary green
for business and commerce, and a building labelling schemes on the
vital bridge between East and West. planet, with more than 15.4 million m2
It also faces a number of unique of Gross Floor Area certified since the
challenges regarding a sustainable launch of HK-BEAM and BEAM Plus.
built environment. There are now The Hong Kong Green Building Council
7 million people on little more than has also set out its vision to help save
250 km2 (since three quarters of Hong the planet and provide a healthier
Kong’s land is designated as country environment for the people of Hong
parks or undeveloped because of the Kong by transforming the city to a
terrain). This high-rise, high-density greener built environment. Its flagship
urban environment has a hot and HK3030 campaign targets to reduce
humid subtropical climate, making the absolute electricity consumption of
energy reduction a significantly greater buildings in Hong Kong by 30 percent of
challenge than it is in many European the 2005 level by 2030. We also continue
and North American cities. With limited to develop a wide range of industry
space and few natural resources, there tools and other initiatives to drive
is also an urgent need to encourage sustainable development, e.g. the Green
reuse and recycling, and to develop Building Product Labelling Scheme,
sustainable waste management the annual Hong Kong Green Building
strategies. Week campaign. In parallel with these
I am proud to say that Hong Kong is rising efforts, we are striving to capitalise on
to all these challenges and more. Driven global knowledge exchange regarding
by the vision to create a sustainable sustainable development by playing
city that balances development with host to the WorldGBC Congress in 2015,
environmental concerns, Hong Kong and WSBE in 2017.
is finding innovative new solutions to There is much to be done, but we are
difficult problems. In the process, it committed to success. We look forward
is creating a valuable new model for to sharing our experiences at this year’s
sustainable development than can be conference, and we look forward to
applied across the region and around welcoming you to Hong Kong in 2017.
the world.
To date, our successes include the launch Ir Conrad WONG Tin-cheung, BBS, JP
of a green building assessment tool, Chairman
namely HK-BEAM and the subsequent Hong Kong Green Building Council
BEAM Plus, which has been tailor-
made for our unique built environment.