Page 16 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 16
Introduction & The Contexts:
Background Challenges and Opportunities
for a Sustainable Built Environment
With a total land area of over 1,100 km2, an efficient public transport network are well Some 90 percent of the electricity consumed
Hong Kong is renowned for conserving known aspects of the city that have been in Hong Kong is used by buildings. Generating
over two-thirds of its land for woodland, enabled by the high-density development this electricity accounts for almost 60 percent
shrubland, grassland, wetland and water approach. However, the impacts of climate of our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
bodies. Urban or built-up areas of Hong change together with the urban heat island Over the last 10 years, energy end-use per
Kong are currently utilising less than effect are reflected in the accelerating rise of capita has fluctuated between 10,800 to
25 percent of the land area for a total resident urban air temperatures, by as much as 0.35°C 11,400 kWh, while electricity per capita has
population of over 7.2 million people. Country per decade, in recent years. Urban winds, risen steadily from 5,600 to 5,900 kWh. The
parks in Hong Kong conserve nature and especially in pedestrian areas, generally challenge has been further exacerbated by
protect water catchments, as well as provide grow weaker with increasing building density. population growth of 5 percent in the past
leisure and recreational value for the public. All these factors result in an increase in decade, which will continue in the years
the number of very hot days and very hot to come. Energy use for residential and
Hong Kong's climatic and urban contexts, nights, bringing with it considerable public commercial sectors increased by 15 percent
dense population and compact building spaces health, environmental and socio-economic and 19 percent respectively while, on the
pose unique challenges and opportunities for externality costs, like thermal discomfort, other hand, industrial and transport sectors
its sustainable built environment (SBE). The heat stress related mortality and increased decreased their energy use by 36 percent
proximity of neighbourhood amenities and energy consumption. and 10 percent respectively. To reduce the
Background Challenges and Opportunities
for a Sustainable Built Environment
With a total land area of over 1,100 km2, an efficient public transport network are well Some 90 percent of the electricity consumed
Hong Kong is renowned for conserving known aspects of the city that have been in Hong Kong is used by buildings. Generating
over two-thirds of its land for woodland, enabled by the high-density development this electricity accounts for almost 60 percent
shrubland, grassland, wetland and water approach. However, the impacts of climate of our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
bodies. Urban or built-up areas of Hong change together with the urban heat island Over the last 10 years, energy end-use per
Kong are currently utilising less than effect are reflected in the accelerating rise of capita has fluctuated between 10,800 to
25 percent of the land area for a total resident urban air temperatures, by as much as 0.35°C 11,400 kWh, while electricity per capita has
population of over 7.2 million people. Country per decade, in recent years. Urban winds, risen steadily from 5,600 to 5,900 kWh. The
parks in Hong Kong conserve nature and especially in pedestrian areas, generally challenge has been further exacerbated by
protect water catchments, as well as provide grow weaker with increasing building density. population growth of 5 percent in the past
leisure and recreational value for the public. All these factors result in an increase in decade, which will continue in the years
the number of very hot days and very hot to come. Energy use for residential and
Hong Kong's climatic and urban contexts, nights, bringing with it considerable public commercial sectors increased by 15 percent
dense population and compact building spaces health, environmental and socio-economic and 19 percent respectively while, on the
pose unique challenges and opportunities for externality costs, like thermal discomfort, other hand, industrial and transport sectors
its sustainable built environment (SBE). The heat stress related mortality and increased decreased their energy use by 36 percent
proximity of neighbourhood amenities and energy consumption. and 10 percent respectively. To reduce the