Page 10 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 10
Message from
Chairman of Construction Industry Council

Ir LEE Shing-see, GBS, OBE, JP

Chairman of Construction Industry Council

Since its inception in 2007, the practices as well as to use low carbon
Construction Industry Council has been products that help make the industry
working as a co-ordinating platform more sustainable.
among stakeholders of the construction
industry and a conduit between the Participating in the World Sustainable
government and the industry to foster Building Conference is a good
sustainable development of the industry. opportunity for us to organise our
From taking the first steps in setting thoughts on building a sustainable
policies to market transformation in the environment for Hong Kong. It also
form of sustainable building practices, provides a good communications
the CIC is proud to have been taking part platform to share and exchange with
in the process of making Hong Kong a counterparts around the globe. We
livable place. will showcase Hong Kong as a world
model for high density livability and
We all know that the construction sustainability in the conference. At the
industry is one of the major contributors same time, we will also learn from other
of emissions and so it can have a big regions and cities their sustainable
impact in carbon reduction if we all construction technologies and practices
rethink and do it right. Developed by that the CIC can take home and promote
the Construction Industry Council in among stakeholders in Hong Kong.
collaboration with the Hong Kong All these valuable experience would
Government, ZCB – the first zero carbon be significant to the evolution of
building in Hong Kong was opened in sustainable development locally and
2012 and demonstrates eco-design and globally, as well as the preparation for
zero/low carbon technologies to the hosting WSBE 17 in Hong Kong three
industry. The Carbon Labelling Scheme years later. Let’s work together to make
for Construction Products, also initiated the world greener and more sustainable.
by us, helps developers, designers and
contractors choose low carbon footprint Ir LEE Shing-see, GBS, OBE, JP
products. I am glad to see that these Chairman
are registering results. Both the public Construction Industry Council
and private sectors have spent a lot of
efforts to adopt green technologies and

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