Page 9 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 9
Message from
Secretary for the Environment
Mr WONG Kam-sing, JP
Secretary for the Environment
HKSAR Government
In 2008, we presented our first report built environment. Government policies
in the World Sustainable Building are in place to support sustainable
Conference held in Melbourne. Titled building, research and assessment.
‘In Search of a Compact Liveable City: We are taking a holistic approach from
Lighter Footprint Higher Liveability’, the energy efficiency installations to waste
report summarised the current state management in buildings, and we have
of sustainable built environment and recently set up an inter-departmental
outlined an action programme for rapid steering committee on the promotion
implementation in Hong Kong. At that of green buildings to coordinate
time, Hong Kong began a wider approach efforts on all fronts. BEAM Plus, the
to sustainable building. We made some local green building assessment tool,
bold starts in setting performance has been introduced and more widely
targets, education and training, adoption used. A multitude of buildings, new
of technologies and techniques, as well and existing, are getting certified. All
as the adoption of whole building rating these are testimonies to the collective
systems. The report won the Joint Best efforts made by the Government and the
Regional Policy Review but we all knew industry.
that we had to do much more.
But we must not stop short here. The
In the 2011 report, we recorded some whole community must be involved in
breakthroughs to help achieve high order for us to have a more liveable
liveability. Buildings in Hong Kong and sustainable built environment. I am
accounted for 60 percent of carbon proud that we have made good progress
emissions. Setting aggressive carbon through the years, and I look forward
reduction targets resulted in a lot of to Hong Kong raising the bar again
green building business opportunities. in the next report with more public
Several new projects cited in the report engagement stories.
adopted green technologies, while
existing buildings were retrofitted in Mr WONG Kam-sing, JP
order to comply with the new standards. Secretary for the Environment
HKSAR Government
This year, our report showcases Hong
Kong as a highly liveable high-rise,
high-density, sub-tropical sustainable
Secretary for the Environment
Mr WONG Kam-sing, JP
Secretary for the Environment
HKSAR Government
In 2008, we presented our first report built environment. Government policies
in the World Sustainable Building are in place to support sustainable
Conference held in Melbourne. Titled building, research and assessment.
‘In Search of a Compact Liveable City: We are taking a holistic approach from
Lighter Footprint Higher Liveability’, the energy efficiency installations to waste
report summarised the current state management in buildings, and we have
of sustainable built environment and recently set up an inter-departmental
outlined an action programme for rapid steering committee on the promotion
implementation in Hong Kong. At that of green buildings to coordinate
time, Hong Kong began a wider approach efforts on all fronts. BEAM Plus, the
to sustainable building. We made some local green building assessment tool,
bold starts in setting performance has been introduced and more widely
targets, education and training, adoption used. A multitude of buildings, new
of technologies and techniques, as well and existing, are getting certified. All
as the adoption of whole building rating these are testimonies to the collective
systems. The report won the Joint Best efforts made by the Government and the
Regional Policy Review but we all knew industry.
that we had to do much more.
But we must not stop short here. The
In the 2011 report, we recorded some whole community must be involved in
breakthroughs to help achieve high order for us to have a more liveable
liveability. Buildings in Hong Kong and sustainable built environment. I am
accounted for 60 percent of carbon proud that we have made good progress
emissions. Setting aggressive carbon through the years, and I look forward
reduction targets resulted in a lot of to Hong Kong raising the bar again
green building business opportunities. in the next report with more public
Several new projects cited in the report engagement stories.
adopted green technologies, while
existing buildings were retrofitted in Mr WONG Kam-sing, JP
order to comply with the new standards. Secretary for the Environment
HKSAR Government
This year, our report showcases Hong
Kong as a highly liveable high-rise,
high-density, sub-tropical sustainable