3. Green School Guide - 3.5 Indoor Environmental Quality
Hong Kong Green Building Council
• The following measures can be implemented to improve indoor air quality:
- - Good house keeping;
- - Sufficient fresh air to the classroom and staff room can help filter indoor
air pollutants and hence improve air quality. Please refer to Fresh Air
Provision for information;
- - Adequate exhaust in pantry, printer room, kitchen, toilet, etc.;
- - Careful selection of building materials, finishes and furnishings, pesticides
and cleaning products (such as low VOC content products); and
- - Introduce indoor plants. NASA researches have shown that houseplants
(indoor planting) can improve IAQ. For plants that can improve IAQ,
please refer to the information below and Useful References (3) and (5).
The following plants are selected based on their effectiveness of indoor air
Asplenium nidus
Guzman mini
Peperomia caperata
Environmental Protection Administration Executive. (2010).
Application and Management of Indoor Air Purification
R.O.C., Taiwan.