Mr Nils Larsson
Executive Director
International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment (iiSBE)

Nils Larsson is an architect and is Executive Director of the International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment (iiSBE), an international non-profit organization. As part of his work with the Government of Canada during the 1990's, he developed and managed a demonstration program for high-performance buildings, which resulted in the first public adoption of the integrated design process (IDP). Since 2008, NL has represented the international partners (CIB, iiSBE, UNEP and FIDIC) in coordinating the regional and global SB conferences. NL is also the key organizer of the Sustainable Building Challenge, an international project to showcase high performance buildings in conjunction with global; SB conference events. He is the principal developer of the SBTool, a system for assessing the sustainability performance of buildings that is adaptable to many different regions. Finally, on behalf of iiSBE, he supports the work of several technical working groups.
Mr. Larsson has written several peer-reviewed papers on the subjects of climate change impacts on the built environment, performance assessment systems, integrated design process and other technical subjects. He is a frequently invited keynote speaker at conferences related to sustainable building and he is a Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada.