Mr Emilio Miguel Mitre
Green Building Council España (GBCe)

Emilio Miguel Mitre’s experience in bioclimatic design dates back from 27 years ago. He has worked (1986‐1988) as Technical Director of Desarrollos Técnicos de la Madera, a private company devoted to the manufacturing of wooden structure buildings. Since 1989 he focuses his activity on sustainable building design and construction, according to a concept named AMBIENTECTURA®, which integrates bioclimatic architecture and engineering processes in buildings. He has participated as energy consultant and coordinator in various European Union projects such as Energy Comfort 2000, BEST 2000, Pascool, SunRise and Regen Link. He has also acted as energy efficiency projects evaluator of behalf of the EU Commission.
In 2001 Emilio Miguel Mitre, together with colleague architect Carlos Expósito Mora found ALIA, Arquitectura, Energía y Medio Ambiente s.l. www.alia‐, one of the best known Spanish sustainable architecture practices. ALIA’s approach is aimed at achieving high profile energy and environmental results in a building as usual scenario, thanks to efficient architectural designs.
ALIA`s work concentrates on the sustainable aspects of urban developments and built interventions, ranging from consultancies to other architects and public and private enterprises, to comprehensive projects of its own with an integral development.
Within the most relevant consultancies to public companies are those devoted to the social housing sector, to the EMVS (Empresa Municipal de Vivienda y Suelo de Madrid), or to EMGIASA (Empresa Municipal de Gestión Inmobiliaria de Alcorcón), which has been awarded the first Ecobarrios prize from the Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España (the top entity of the professional architectural practices in Spain), the first Urban Sustainable Development prize from the IDAE (Instituto para la Diversificación y el Ahorro Energético), and has been selected by the Good Practices Group: Spanish Habitat Committee for the 7th International Good Practices Contest of the United Nations 2008.
Other public clients of ALIA are for instance AENA (Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea), with a study and energy simulation of bioclimatic proposals for the new airport of Madrid; the Municipality of Barcelona, with the consultancy on the Laminar Tower, or that of the Plaza of the Cultures in the FORUM 2004. Or Valladolid Alta Velocidad, with the consultancy on urban, building and energy design of the Plan General amendment proposed by Richard Rogers for the railroad burying intervention through the city of Valladolid.
Private consultancies are mostly to colleague architects such as Estudio Lamela, Pich‐ Aguilera Arquitectos, Federico Soriano, GCA… but also to entities such as the Fundación del Olivar or ASPRONA. In the urban development sector, ALIA has made very influential programmatic proposals such as the Bioclimatic Town of Zolina (Navarra). ALIA is presently consulting the environmental aspects of one of the largest urban developments of Spain, the DNA (Distrito Norte de Alcorcón), which occupies an area of 12 million square meters, 14 kilometers away from Madrid’s city center.
The complete projects developed by ALIA, are both residential and non residential. Among the non residential there is the STELLA FEUGA building, in Santiago de Compostela, which was selected as part of the Spanish team for the International Conference on Sustainable Building in Oslo 2002; the TRASLUZ building in Madrid, selected for the International Sustainable Building conference in Tokio 2005; the two ARFRISOL (Bioclimatic Architecture and Solar Cooling) projects): SP6 CEDER in Soria and SP5 Fundación Barredo in Asturias which was selected for the International Sustainable Building Conference SB08 in Melbourne; and the CIEDA (International Centre for Environmental Studies) in Soria.
The main building project ALIA is presently developing is the PSE ENVITE Plan E, a demonstrative research, development and innovation project for a zero CO2 emission sample dwelling in Galicia (at the Sotavento wind farm), and an office building in Valladolid (for the Special Employment Centre ‐for psychologically handicapped persons‐ Grupo Lince ASPRONA). This project has received one of the largest grants awarded to high energy efficient buildings in Spain, coming in this case from the MICIN, Ministry of Science and Innovation.
In the residential, ALIA has designed, and recently executed, one free market and two co‐operative social housing promotions in Getafe (Madrid). Other social housing promotions presently under way are in Alcorcón (Madrid), Guadalajara and Getafe (Madrid). ALIA has also designed a number of bioclimatic individual houses.
Emilio Miguel Mitre is very active in education, communication and dissemination, with numerous articles, lectures and presentations in professional and academic forums.