Executive Summary
Market drivers discussed in the executive
summary are the motivating force behind
the green buildingmovement. The objective
of this study is to build a roadmap towards
the transformation of green buildings
in Hong Kong by considering these
driving forces and combining them with a
quantitative study of the building stock in
Hong Kong. In particular, we analysed the
green building movement in the context of
HK3030 Campaign that has the objective
of achieving deep energy reductions in
building sector.
Using Hong Kong as an example, readers
are encouraged to deliberate, debate and
resolve the urgent challenge of green
buildings transformation faced by cities
The executive summary presents the on-
going process in identifying necessary
actions, policies and potential costs
towards achieving the HK3030 target. It
presents the roadmap for transformation
of green buildings in Hong Kong, which
is derived by combining the quantitative
analysis with the results of stakeholder
engagement and review on international