2. The Hong Kong Green Building Roadmap
Building an actionable plan
Using the data derived from our
with views collected at stakeholder
engagement consultation, and reference
to international best practices, an action
plan for market transformation of green
buildings in Hong Kong was derived. The
main objective of the plan is to provide
an overview of the truly critical initiatives
on the path to HK3030, how they are
interlinked, the interim milestones, the
quantitative impact, and to do it in a way
that is devoid of “greenwash” [3].
The major outcome of this research is
the Hong Kong Green Building Roadmap
for the implementation of the critical
initiatives, showing the linkage between
events, and the interim milestones
along the way. The roadmap is in turn
constructed out of a series of interlinked
modules, including roadmaps for existing
buildings, reporting and benchmarking,
regulatory drivers, BEAM Plus (i.e. Hong
Kong-based green building assessment
system), new buildings, GFA incentive
scheme, green building financing, carbon
markets and education. Such a modular
and sequential approach is essential for
tackling a campaign of such magnitude, as
the daunting target can be broken down
into a web of manageable interim actions
and milestones.
The Holiday Inn Express Hong Kong Soho in
Sheung Wan features a high level of energy